Data Protection Impact Assessment Toolkit

A Top Toolkit for Your Data Protection Impact Assessment Needs.

Assess Risk for GDPR Compliance with the OCM Solution DPIA Toolkit

The OCM Solution Data Protection Impact Assessment Toolkit (with template & dashboard) can be used to help organizations meet compliance needs for the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This regulation requires that a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) be performed “any time you begin a new project that is likely to involve ‘a high risk’ to other people’s personal information.” 

Our DPIA Toolkit is based directly on the GDPR regulation and includes the data recommended to be reported upon during this type of data privacy assessment. Further, our Data Protection Impact Assessment Template brings together all your data into a single place for easier tracking. 

You also get time-saving analytics that flow into your dashboard as you enter data (in real-time!), making it easy for you to provide up-to-the-minute reporting on your DPIA while in progress.

DPIA Template Built for GDPR Compliance

Populate your project data into a customizable template that’s designed to make your assessment work simple. Using the OCM Solution Data Protection Impact Assessment Toolkit helps you optimize your process by giving you pre-set columns that were designed according to the General Data Protection Regulation.

You also have the freedom to customize the template, including hiding columns and adding your own dropdown, text, or date columns.

Data Protection Impact Assessment Template

OCM Solution Cloud Tool for Data Protection Impact Assessments

Our template is one of the most extensive you’ll find for capturing all the Data Protection Impact Assessment details you might need for a new project that requires GDPR compliance.

If you’re new to doing a DPIA, our Toolkit will help walk you through the process. If you’re a seasoned pro, you’ll find it equally helpful and time-saving. Input data in the cloud from any device or upload data to populate your template from a spreadsheet.

This DPIA Template is set up to capture the following types of data:

  • Type of Change & Description
  • Reasons for DPIA
  • How Data Will Be Collected & Stored
  • Source of Data
  • Nature of the Data
  • How Long Data Will be Kept
  • If Data Involves a Minor (Y/N)
  • Security Measures for Data Protection in Place
  • Likelihood of Harm
  • Severity of Harm
  • Overall Risk
  • Recommended Risk Mitigation Solutions
  • Approval of Recommended Measures (Y/N)
  • And more!

DPIA Template for GDPR

Data Protection Impact Assessment TemplateTemplate Database in OCM Solution DPIA Toolkit

Intelligent Dashboard for Data Protection Impact Assessment

Need help with DPIA reports? The OCM Solution Data Protection Impact Assessment Toolkit makes reporting simple. The dashboard gives you instant analytics for your DPIA at the touch of a button. Reports pick up your data in real-time.

Sharing reports is a snap! This Toolkit also allows you to export your analytics reports into an easy-to-share PDF.

Time-Saving Reporting Dashboard!

Data Protection Impact Assessment Analytics

DPIA Reporting Dashboard

Data Protection Impact Assessment PDFReporting Dashboard & PDF Export for Your DPIA

Comprehensive Dashboard 

The Data Protection Impact Assessment Toolkit has a comprehensive dashboard where you can access your Template for inputting data, your Analytics for reporting, and a template and analytics with sample data that you can leverage. You’ll also find a handy Step-by-Step Guide and video and PDF tutorial. 

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) Home Page

Contact us if you have any questions about any of our toolkits, products, or services.

Affordable, No Hassle Pricing

Starting at $35 Per Month

($20 for Toolkit + $15 for 1 User License)

Are you an individual or small team?

Visit Our Checkout Page

Are you a group (3-30 users)?

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AGS Coaching Tool - All-in-One Change Management Software

Excellent ROI from the first month!

Looking for more tools?  If you’d like more project and change management tools, we offer the All-in-One Change Mgt Toolkit. It includes a full portfolio of change management tools perfect for Change Management Teams, Change Leads, and Consultancies.

The Best Tool for Doing a DPIA for GDPR Compliance

No more spreadsheet struggles!

Get an online tool that can handle all the data collection for your Data Protection Impact Assessment and provide instant reporting.

Data Protection Impact Assessment Cloud Template


(and Get Instant Access!)

Excellent ROI from the first month

Looking for More Impact Assessment Tools?

OCM Solution (formerly AGS) has a full suite of impact assessment tools for change management, economic impacts, social impacts, and more. Click below to explore them!

Note: Content on OCM Solution's website is protected by copyright. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this OCM Solutions page, please reach out to Ogbe Airiodion (Change Management Lead) or the OCM Solutions Team today. OCM Solution was previously known as Airiodion Global Services (AGS).

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