Free Training Templates & Resources to Empower Change Initiatives

List of OCMS Free Training Templates & Resources

Join us as we explore a range of OCM Solution’s free training templates & resources that can help elevate your training strategies. These resources cover various aspects of training communications, guides, strategic training plan, and presentation deck, making them a valuable addition to any training arsenal.

The change management free training templates and resources provided on this OCMS page are strategically tailored to empower organizations with the essential tools needed for training initiatives that are both informative and highly engaging while optimizing efficiency.

  1. Training Guides
  2. Strategic Training Plan Template
  3. Training Communications
  4. Training Delivery Deck (Training Presentation PPT)

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Contact us if you have any questions about this guide or any other guides on OCM Solution. 

Free OCM Training Guides

Effective training hinges on accessible and well-structured training materials and guides that cater to the unique needs of participants. OCM Solution provides an invaluable collection of training guides that can significantly enhance your training practices. These guides address a range of critical training aspects, ensuring that you can meet the diverse needs of your audience and organization.

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Get All Free OCM Solution Training Guides

1. Signs that You Need to Provide Training – Guide

Recognizing the signs that you need to offer training is essential. OCMS “Signs that You Need to Provide Training” guide equips you with the insights to identify these pivotal moments and it outlines signs that indicate the need for training. By referring to this guide, you can proactively address skill deficiencies and stay ahead of the curve in skill development.

2. The Stages You Should Provide Training – Guide

Effective training doesn’t start and end with a single session – it involves a carefully planned sequence of stages that lead to proficiency. This guide breaks down the key stages that are crucial for successful training, from initial preparation phase to ongoing reinforcement. By following this OCMS guide, you can ensure that your training program progresses logically and supports continuous skill development.

3. Develop Training Materials and Resources Plan – Guide

The quality of training materials directly impacts the effectiveness of your training programs. Our “Develop Training Materials and Resources Plan” guide offers a step-by-step approach to creating high-quality training content. It helps you identify the right materials, resources, and organize content effectively.

These free OCM Solution training guides serve as essential roadmaps in your training journey. They empower you to make informed decisions, structure your training initiatives effectively, and design training materials that are both engaging and informative.

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Free Strategic Training Plan Template

A well-defined strategic training plan is essential for ensuring that training efforts align with organizational goals. OCM Solution’s free Strategic Training Plan Template ensures that all essential aspects of training, from identifying needs to evaluating outcomes, are systematically addressed, aligning the training program with the broader objectives of change management.

strategic training plan template

Get This Free Strategic Plan Template – OCMS Training Templates Free Download

OCM Solution’s FREE strategic training plan template encompasses the following key components:

  • Training Needs Assessment: Identifying the specific needs and gaps that training should address.
  • Curriculum Development: Structuring the training content and materials based on identified needs.
  • Training for Employees: Providing essential training for all employees affected by the change.
  • Training for Managers: Equipping managers with the knowledge and skills to support their teams during the transition.
  • Training for Leaders: Preparing organizational leaders to champion and drive the change effectively.
  • Feedback Mechanism & Continuous Improvement: Establishing a mechanism for gathering feedback from participants and making continuous improvements to the training program.
  • Reinforcement Sessions: Offering additional training sessions or resources to ensure knowledge retention and sustained proficiency.
  • Evaluation & Reporting: Assessing the impact of training and generating reports to track progress and success.

By utilizing this strategic training plan, you can streamline the planning process, ensuring that your training aligns with your organization’s overarching strategy.

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Free Training Communications – OCM Training Email Template Resources

Effective training communications are the cornerstone of any successful training program. It not only ensures that your audience is aware of the training but also builds excitement and engagement. OCM Solution offers a selection of free training communications and training email template resources to help you on your journey.

Training Awareness Templates – Training Email Template Downloadables

To create an impactful training campaign, you need visually appealing and informative resources. Training awareness templates serve as the perfect medium to spread the word about upcoming training events. 

By leveraging the Training Awareness Templates available through OCM Solution, you can save time and effort in crafting engaging training promotion materials. On top of that, these training communications templates can be edited and customized to reflect your organization’s branding, ensuring a professional and consistent look across all communication channels.

communications training templates free download

Get These OCMS Free Training Email Template Resources Today

Training Invitation Template Resources – Training Email Template Downloadables

Invitations are more than just a formality; they set the tone for the training event and can significantly impact attendance and engagement. OCM Solution provides free training invitation template options that offer a polished and inviting content, making your training sessions more appealing to potential participants.

You can customize these training invitation templates with your training details, enabling you to effortlessly reach your target audience through various channels. By using these training communications templates, you can ensure that your invitation stands out in crowded inboxes and garners the attention it deserves.

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Free OCM Training Delivery Deck – Training Presentation PPT

In the digital age, the art of training has evolved to incorporate the use of captivating visual and interactive presentations.  The OCM Solution offers a comprehensive Training Delivery Deck, a powerful training presentation PPT with 18 slides, designed to captivate your audience and facilitate the seamless delivery of training content. 

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Get This OCMS Free Training Presentation PPT Deck

OCMS training presentation PPT deck encompasses the following key sections:

  • Introduction: Unveiling the ‘Why,’ ‘What,’ and ‘How’ of the transformation at hand.
  • Impacted Users Overview: A glimpse into who will be affected by these changes and how their roles will be impacted.
  • Objectives of the Training: Articulating the goals and outcomes expected from today’s training.
  • Business Transformation: Delving into the shifting business objectives, strategies, and goals.
  • System Transformation: Shedding light on the new tools and technologies introduced and how they will revolutionize the way we work.
  • Process Transformation: Exploring the changes in current processes and workflows, emphasizing efficiency and productivity.
  • What to Expect: Outlining both immediate changes and long-term plans, ensuring participants are prepared for the journey ahead.
  • User Guidelines: Equipping attendees with essential guidance on how to navigate the new system with confidence.
  • Resources: Showcasing additional materials and support channels available for continued learning and assistance.
  • FAQ: Addressing common concerns and questions, ensuring clarity and reducing uncertainties.
  • Assessment and Feedback: Encouraging active participation and valuing the thoughts and opinions of attendees.
  • Next Steps: Highlighting actionable items for everyone to move forward effectively.
  • Acknowledgments & Contact Information: Expressing gratitude and providing avenues for further communication.
  • Q&A Session: Opening the floor to an interactive question-and-answer session, fostering engagement and addressing specific queries.

With a harmonious blend of content slides, interactive elements, and visually enticing graphics, the training presentation PPT enhances the training process, making it a dynamic and memorable experience. This engaging approach not only simplifies the learning process but also ensures that knowledge retention is significantly improved.

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OCMS Training Templates Free Download – Conclusion

Effective training requires careful planning, engaging communication, and well-structured delivery. OCM Solution provides an array of downloadable, free training templates and resources that can enhance your training strategies.

Whether you need eye-catching training awareness templates, polished training invitation template resources, structured training guides, a strategic training plan template, or engaging training presentation PPTs, these resources are readily available to assist you in your training endeavors.

By leveraging these resources, you can streamline your training processes, engage your audience effectively, and ensure that your training aligns with your organization’s strategic goals. Start exploring these resources today to take your training to the next level.

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Note: Content on OCM Solution's website is protected by copyright. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this OCM Solutions page, please reach out to Ogbe Airiodion (Change Management Lead) or the OCM Solutions Team today. OCM Solution was previously known as Airiodion Global Services (AGS).

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