What You Need to Know
By Ogbe Airiodion | Senior Change Management Leader

What You Need to Know about Prosci’s Change Management Toolkits and Portal.

New and experienced change practitioners often ask if there is value in subscribing to the Prosci Portal, or spending money to purchase Prosci’s toolkits.

The various Prosci eToolkits (reviewed in the sections below) range in price from $250-$2,000 a year, but are they really worth that much? From a cost/benefit analysis, do these Prosci tools really provide value?

Over the last two decades, I have delivered large-scale change management programs across a wide range of organizations including Apple, Goldman Sachs, Cisco, HSBC, State Street, Capital One, Deloitte, and Accenture. How many of the available Prosci tools have I used or seen used by other change management practitioners? Keep on reading to find out.

Ogbe Airiodion
Senior Change Management Lead (Consultant)

This review of the Prosci Portal will cover a broad-based selection of key Prosci tools, as well as discuss the costs required to obtain each one. We will present a quick cost-benefit review to address the questions of whether the Prosci toolkits are worth obtaining based on how much you pay relative to the value you gain.

Prosci Portal and eToolkit Reviews

Prosci offers a wide range of change management products, contents, and cloud-based tools, including the ADKAR Dashboard, CMROI Calculator, ECM Roadmap, PCT Analyzer, Research Library, and the Prosci eToolkit for change practitioners.

These tools and toolkits, reviewed below, are accessible in the Prosci Portal when you subscribe to the All Access Portal Subscription which costs about $2,000 a year, but you can also subscribe to each one individually.

The “All-Access Prosci Portal” with all Prosci eToolkits

Prosci eToolkit - All Access Prosci Portal for Organizations

Subscribing to Prosci’s All-Access Portal provides you with unlimited access to all Prosci’s change management toolkits, that you can use to implement a wide range of change deliverables and activities.

Whether you or members of your team are making the case for an effective change management practice, or whether you are delivering change management deliverables to support a business change, the Prosci All-Access Portal Subscription provides you with cloud-based tools to support some of your change management activities. 

All-in-One Organizational Change Management Templates Software

OCM Toolkit for Change Managers and Teams. Change Impacts

Prosci Toolkits

The All Access Prosci Portal includes the toolkits listed below. See the sections below this one – for a pros and cons review of these Prosci eToolkits.

  1. ADKAR Dashboard: Using the ADKAR Dashboard, you can send out ready-to-use, quick ADKAR-based surveys to impacted users to track user adoption and usage with real quantifiable ADKAR Model data. This allows you to track how impacted groups are progressing through a change.
  2. Prosci Practitioner eToolkit: This eToolkit allows you to drive, lead, and manage change management programs by applying the Prosci change management 3-Phase process: Phase 1: Prepare Approach, Phase 2: Manage Change, and Phase 3: Sustain Outcomes.
  3. Prosci ECM Roadmap: This Prosci roadmap provides guidance to help you design, develop, and execute an enterprise change management plan to build change management maturity across a large, enterprise organization.
  4. Change Management Resource Library: Using the Prosci resource library allows you to learn and become proficient in the Prosci change management methodology and framework.
  5. PCT Analyzer: This Prosci tool allows you to diagnose and track overall project health.
  6. CMROI Calculator: Using the Prosci CMROI toolkit, you can aim to demonstrate the value that change management brings to your projects.
  7. Best Practices Audit: This is a structured procedure for assessing how well you are aligned with best Prosci practices.
  8. Maturity Model Audit: Use this Prosci eToolkit to analyze your current level of change management organizational maturity and clarifying what an organizational change management capability really means.

These Prosci eToolkits, which can be purchased at the Prosci Store: are designed for change practitioners to apply the Prosci ADKAR® Model, as well as implementing the Prosci 3-Phase Process. 

OCM Apps for Organizational Change Management - Change Risks

OCM Software for Organizational Change Management

Real Value or a Change Management Scheme?

As mentioned in the beginning section of this Prosci review article, I have delivered a wide range of change management programs across large, global organizations including for clients of Deloitte and Accenture, and directly as a consultant for Apple, Goldman Sachs, Cisco, HSBC, State Street, Capital One, and many more. How many of the tools above have I used or seen used by most change management practitioners? Not a lot of them.

The two Prosci change management toolkits that I believe provide the highest levels of value are the Prosci Practitioner eToolkit and the ADKAR Dashboard. To some extent the Prosci Change Management Research Library can also be very valuable, however, you can find all of those content for free on the Internet with a simple Google search.

So, is the All Access Portal worth $2,000 a year? Or is it a scheme relative to the value it provides?

Prosci Change Management eToolkit

The answer, like most things in life, is this: It depends.

  • It depends on your level of experience with change management.
  • It depends on whether you can get your organization to pay for it. If you can get your organization to pay the full $2,000 cost, then it’ll be worth it.
  • It depends on whether you want to track and achieve employee adoption and usage on all or most of the projects you are providing change management for. The Prosci ADKAR Dashboard provides streamlined and easy to use surveys that you can leverage for tracking change adoption.
  • It depends on whether you want to audit your change management work against Prosci’s best practices and baseline your organization’s change management program with the Prosci change methodology. If so, using the Practitioner eToolkit, Maturity Model Audit, Best Practices Audit, and Prosci ADKAR Portal will be valuable to you.

Note: The annual billing of the individual tools, as well as the All Access Prosci Portal, will occur on the same date and is an automated annual recurring transaction. If you want to change or cancel your Prosci subscription you can do this any time.

AGS hasn’t received any complaints or negative feedback from Prosci users about their ability to easily cancel their Prosci subscription. Do you have any Prosci review (positive or negative) to share with AGS about your experience with the Prosci Portal or toolkits? Click here to message us: I Have a Review to Share about Prosci.

Instead of the All Access Subscription, Can you Subscribe to Just one Prosci Toolkit?

Yes, you can. You don’t need to subscribe to the full package all-in-one Prosci Portal, you can just subscribe to the specific toolkit you need.

Here are the prices for the two key individual Prosci tools, that I believe provides the most value:

(1) Practitioner eToolkit:

The Prosci Practitioner eToolkit costs $400 USD a year, and you can cancel anytime you want.

The Prosci Practitioner eToolkit costs $400 USD

(2) ADKAR Dashboard

The Prosci ADKAR Dashboard costs $600 each year. This is based on a 15% savings for subscribing to the annual package. The AKDAR Dashboard costs $60 each month if you go with the monthly plan.

ADKAR Dashboard and Portal Prosci

All-in-One Organizational Change Management Templates Software

OCM Toolkit for Change Managers and Teams. Change Impacts

Prosci Pricing Table

Here is the pricing table for selected Prosci’s toolkits:

Prosci ToolkitsCosts
All Access Portal Subscription$2,000 – billed yearly
Prosci Practitioner eToolkit$400 – billed yearly
Prosci ADKAR Dashboard$600 – billed yearly (or $60 monthly)
PCT Analyzer$400 – billed yearly (or $40 monthly)
CMROI Calculator$250 – billed yearly (or $25 monthly)
Change Management Maturity Model Audit$300 – billed yearly (or $30 monthly)
Prosci Best Practices Audit$300 – billed yearly (or $30 monthly)
ECM Roadmap$479 (one-time payment)
Best Practices in Change Management – 11th Edition$389 (one-time payment)

The Prosci Bookstore – Reviews

People often search for the Prosci Store and also for the Prosci Bookstore. Does Prosci have a physical bookstore location? No, they don’t.

Prosci’s Bookstore is an online store on Prosci’s website where users can purchase change management tools and resources for conducting Prosci based change management. When you visit the Prosci store, you will be able to browse through books, online tools, reports, research papers, and toolkits that you can purchase.

You will also be able to view information about upcoming premium webinars that you can sign up for, including the Prosci Virtualize Change Management webinar, the Change Impact Canvas webinar, and the ADKAR Canvas webinar.

The Prosci Bookstore - The Practitioner eToolkit-min

 Prosci › bookstore

Don’t Miss: Should You Spend $4,500 for a Prosci Certificate? Is it Worth it?

We hope you have found value in this review of the various Prosci change management toolkits and the Prosci Portal. Let the AGS Review Team know if you have any feedback or consumer reviews you would like to share about doing business with Prosci and using the firm’s toolkits.

Click here to message us: I Would Like to Share a Review about Prosci.


What is the Prosci eToolkit?

There is a wide range of Prosci eToolkits. These include the ADKAR Dashboard, Prosci PCT Analyzer, Prosci’s Extensive Research Library, the Prosci eToolkit for change practitioners, CMROI Calculator, and ECM Roadmap. These eToolkits can be purchased at the Prosci Store:

What is the Prosci change portal?

The Prosci Change Portal is a virtual platform where change management professionals can access all of their online Prosci change management tools. When you subscribe to the Prosci All Access Portal, you are granted access to all of Prosci's toolkits that you can use to implement a wide range of change deliverables and activities.

Where are I get the Prosci change management toolkit free download?

You can download free Prosci change management toolkits and guides here:

How to log into the Prosci toolkit?

Here is the link for logging into your Prosci toolkits, and the Prosci Portal:

Continue Reading: 

Note: Content on OCM Solution's website is protected by copyright. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this OCM Solution page, please reach out to Ogbe Airiodion (Change Management Lead) or the OCM Solutions Team today. OCM Solution was previously known as Airiodion Global Services (AGS).

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