OCMS Portal Readiness Tool

Readiness to Change Assessment Tool with Template & Reports

Hi and welcome to OCMS Portal. Today we’ll provide you with an overview of the Change Management Organizational Readiness tool.

We’ll dive into the org readiness tool’s core features that contribute to making OCMS Portal the best All-in-One organizational change management platform by simplifying and streamlining the change management process.

The change readiness assessment tool helps you assess stakeholders and impacted users’ preparedness for the change, identify potential roadblocks or challenges, and develop strategies to address them. It is part of “Phase 1: Assess” in the OCMS Portal OCM Framework.

When you first open the organizational change readiness tool it will automatically populate all of the individuals in your target audience. This is one way that the OCMS Portal has been designed to save you valuable time and keep you engaged in critical areas. But you always narrow or expand your stakeholder target audience, leaving you with the ultimate freedom to tailor your assessments.

OCMS Portal is a learning resource, you can access tool related video tutorials and important resources such as documented guides.

OCMS Portal Free Resources

OCMS Portal is also a companion while you conduct your change management activities and the organizational readiness tool is there to help you analyze and understand your target audience.

In the org readiness assessment tool you’ll be able to:

1. Quickly populate the tool with your desired target audience

2. Assess stakeholders by 4 core attributes:

Readiness Awareness, Acceptance, Knowledge, Proficiency

Assessing for “Awareness” helps you gauge a group or individual’s understanding of the nature of the change, why it’s needed and the risks of not changing. Next, assessing “acceptance” levels helps you understand the willingness of individuals and groups within the organization to accept and embrace the change initiative.

The readiness “knowledge” attribute is all about the group or individual’s deep understanding of the specific changes being proposed, the reasons for the change, and the associated processes and requirements. And lastly, “Proficiency”, which refers to the degree of expertise and competence in the specific areas relevant to the change initiative.

3. Easily send out the OCMS Portal Change Readiness Assessment surveys to your designed target audience:

OCMS Portal Readiness Survey

4. Gauge an automatically calculated readiness level provided to you in real-time as you assess your target audience.  

5. Seamlessly review and edit an auto-generated engagement plan that’s tailored to effectively engage each individual based on their unique readiness score. It’s also designed to help you identify barriers and obstacles that may hinder the successful implementation of the change. While mitigating all identified risks and barriers by deploying effective strategies. The more stakeholders you assess the clearer the average readiness level score paints a picture of the current readiness landscape and preparedness of the impacted groups.

6. Engage in multi assessment tracking by concluding assessments and start new ones. This allows you to monitor the progress of your target audience during and after the change implementation. Create as many assessments as you need to regularly evaluate how well the organization is adapting to the change and whether adjustments to the plan are needed.

Start new readiness assessments

In today’s fast-paced world, staying competitive is the key to success, and our organizational change readiness tool in our cutting-edge OCMS Portal All-in-One suite is here to make your life easier.  

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Why Choose OCMS Portal’s Team Account for Change Management?

Signing up for an OCMS Portal team or enterprise account is a strategic move that offers a plethora of benefits for your organization.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your change management. OCMS Portal is your trusted partner for achieving seamless, successful change. Join us on this transformative journey and experience the difference for yourself.

OCMS Team Account

Big benefits that come with a team / enterprise account:

  • Centralized Benefits: With OCMS Portal team account, everyone in your organization will be on the same platform. This ensures seamless communication and collaboration, eliminating the chaos of juggling multiple tools and platforms. The efficiency gains from centralization alone can be a game-changer for your team’s productivity.
  • Dedicated Support: You won’t be navigating the challenges of adopting a new system on your own. OCMS Portal team accounts come with dedicated support specialists who are there to assist you every step of the way. Whether you need technical assistance, have questions, or require guidance, you’ll have experts at your fingertips.
  • Customization: Your organization is unique, and your branding should reflect that. OCMS Portal team accounts offer the flexibility to request customizations that align with your corporate branding. This ensures that your team’s experience is not just efficient but also tailored to your organization’s identity.
  • Cost-Efficiency: OCMS Portal team accounts come with cost-saving benefits compared to individual accounts. You can optimize your budget while providing your team with the best change management tools and support available.

OCMS Team Account

Are you ready to take your team’s productivity and collaboration to the next level? We’re excited to show you around and can’t wait to have you and your team using the best organizational change management software. Reach out today for a personalized quote or schedule a Zoom call

The OCMS Portal Team Account is designed to supercharge your team’s performance, streamline your workflow, and boost your bottom line. Make it your your team’s competitive advantage.

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What comes with your OCMS Portal subscription

The OCMS Portal subscription includes:

  • Access to all tools and sections of the platform
  • 1 free user license
  • 2 free project licenses
  • Unlimited Surveys
  • Advanced analytics and reports
  • Access to all OCMS Portal free resources (from topics such as OCM Metrics, Roadmaps, ITIL, Engagements & Briefings, and much more)

At any point you can add more project, user and guest licenses as well as the change management library and rebranding add-ons. 

Discover more benefits of a team account with multi user and enterprise discounts, stackable on top of an annual discount.  

Top-Rated Change Readiness Assessment Template and Report – Everything You Need to Get Ready for Change

Are you in search of the ideal change management readiness tools that simplify the tracking of your go-live readiness across multiple assessments? Do you need a way to demonstrate the progress in launch readiness from an initial baseline assessment to subsequent change readiness evaluations?

Look no further than the OCMS Portal Change Management Readiness Assessment Tool, which provides you with all the resources you require to strategize and execute a business readiness checklist, ensuring that individuals and groups are well-prepared to embrace change successfully.

This comprehensive org readiness toolkit includes both individual-level and group-level change readiness assessment templates, along with a survey that captures essential details such as awareness of the change, acceptance of the change, capacity, knowledge, and more. The collected information seamlessly integrates into your Readiness Tool.

The go-live templates within the OCMS Solution Portal are equally valuable for both newcomers and seasoned change managers, enabling them to assess the level of preparedness for project launches. These all-encompassing tools and templates not only assist newcomers in mastering change management with expert guidance but also provide experienced change managers with time-saving resources.

OCMS Portal has all of that and more!

OCMS Portal Readiness Tool main features

Business Readiness Assessments Made Easy

The OCM Solution readiness for change assessment tool provides you with columns for 5 key KPIs that gauge readiness for go-live. These include:

  • Awareness of the Change
  • Acceptance of the Change
  • Knowledge of What is Changing
  • Proficiency

You can capture these metrics using the change readiness matrix survey that comes with the toolkit and the answers to the change management survey questions will feed right into the template.

An innovative feature of this business readiness assessment template is that the overall readiness result will auto-calculate for you based on those four KPIs.

Don’t guess whether your groups are ready or not, get the answer based on scores for awareness, acceptance, knowledge, and proficiency.

OCMS Portal simple assessment steps

New to doing change readiness assessment?

Your OCM Solution organizational readiness tools come with a go live checklist template to walk you through assessing and preparing groups for an upcoming change.

Tailor our checklist to be a software implementation checklist, cutover checklist, SAP go-live checklist, ERP implementation checklist, a pre go-live checklist for M&A, post-implementation review checklist, or another type of go live readiness checklist. You can use our tools “out of the box,” or tailor them for your needs.

If you are looking for an alternative to use instead of the change readiness assessment template Prosci has, then the OCMS Portal Readiness Tool will be an excellent option.

This all-in-one group and individual readiness for change assessment tool & launch readiness checklist enables you to:

  1. Conduct multiple change readiness assessments and see side-by-side results
  2. Use readiness plan best practices, rather than guessing about group readiness for a project launch
  3. View a comprehensive change readiness assessment report showing overall readiness and detailed KPIs
  4. Export a change readiness assessment PDF
  5. Leverage an auto-generated readiness assessment engagement plan to guide you through the readiness management process
  6. Easily send change management survey questions to individuals via a cloud link or email and have the results populate in the tool

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Background Story Behind the OCMS Portal Change Readiness Matrix, Template, and Business Change Readiness Checklist

As a Senior Change Management Consultant and a former U.S. Marine, I have successfully delivered transformational business, social, and culture changes that impacted hundreds of thousands of individuals across the Federal Reserve Bank, Intel, Accenture, Cisco, Apple, Deloitte, Capital One, Fannie Mae, AIG, HSBC, and other organizations.

Throughout my change management career, one major pain point I have heard from hundreds of practitioners has been a lack of a consistent, standardized, and best-in-class operational readiness assessment template that can be used to evaluate individuals and groups for go-live readiness.

And so, as a Pioneer of best business, social, and organizational toolkits, and a strong advocate of the global innovation community I decided to work with OCM Solution (formerly AGS) Designers and Developers to launch the #1 top-ranked Project Readiness Assessment Template below that any change practitioner, organization or consulting firm can use, irrespective of experience.

Ogbe Airiodion
Senior Change Management Leader

Have you been looking for an organizational readiness for change PDF, software implementation checklist, cutover checklist, SAP go live checklist, ERP implementation checklist, or a replacement for a Prosci readiness assessment tool? Please reach out and let us know.

OCMS Portal – Change Management, Simplified
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Operational Readiness Template & Pre Go Live Checklist Features

Features to Enhance Your Change Readiness Plan

Everything in One Place

The OCM Solution Portal’s business readiness template provides one centralized place to keep track of your change readiness assessment tools, overall readiness result, project go live checklist (Tasks Checklist), readiness engagement plan, surveys, and more. 

OCMS Portal Readiness All in one place

Simplified Organizational Readiness Assessment Template

Our change management readiness assessment template makes it easy to assess individuals and groups for their preparedness for an upcoming project launch. It’s already set up with important KPIs you can use for an ERP readiness assessment or any other type of change readiness assessment. Plus, get your overall readiness result calculated for you for fast reporting!

Change Management Survey Questions for Readiness

Leverage the survey included in this organizational readiness to change assessment tool to help you quickly capture the readiness data you need. It includes questions you can ask of individuals and group leaders that will feed into your individual readiness for change assessment tool template.

Change Management Surveys

Business Readiness Checklist & Readiness Plan Tasks (Tasks Checklist)

Need help getting started with readiness assessment for impacted stakeholders? No problem! You can use the go-live checklist template (Tasks Checklist) included in the OCM Solution change readiness assessment tool. This is flexible to tailor as a cutover checklist, ERP implementation checklist, launch readiness checklist, SAP go live checklist, post implementation review checklist, and more.

Instant Analytics & Reports on Your Overall Readiness Result

Get powerful change readiness assessment report filtering that allows you to see data visualizations at a granular level. The change readiness matrix graphs will chart readiness progress across assessments and by KPI as well as the overall readiness result.

Change Management Analytics

overall readiness level for change

project readiness level

Golive Templates with Integrated Task Management

Task tracking is a core part of any project or ERP readiness assessment. Use an organizational readiness assessment checklist (Tasks Checklist) or template to track your preparedness tasks as you ready individuals and groups for the project’s launch date. This addition makes this go-live readiness checklist template even more valuable.

Export a Change Readiness Assessment PDF 

The reporting dashboard in the OCMS Portal’s business readiness template makes it easy to share reports in no time. You can choose which individual reporting visualizations you want to share and then export your organizational readiness for change PDF.

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New to Change Management? No problem.

Our Operational Readiness Plan Template includes a step-by-step tutorial and various other resources to walk you through best practices for conducting a change readiness assessment.

OCMS Portal Learning

Change Management Learning

Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions about this organizational readiness assessment tool and change readiness checklist (Tasks Checklist) that can be used as a substitute for the Prosci change readiness assessment.

Generate Masterful Change Readiness Assessment Tool Analytics Reports

Create amazing reports

Analytics & Reporting Dashboard

Instantly report on the readiness KPIs of impacted stakeholders and groups. Plus, show how change management engagement is making a difference through detailed change readiness assessment progress reports.

View project readiness assessment template reporting for overall go-readiness for your impacted groups, and drill down into the various KPIs to see which areas may need attention.

The reporting comes in automatically from your organizational readiness assessment template as you enter data. So, your reporting is always up to date with the latest entries and project or ERP readiness assessment that’s been conducted.

Our analytics save you a ton of time when it comes to analyzing and presenting your data. Instead of having to spend hours poring over a business readiness plan template in Excel to figure out charts – OCM Solution Portal has done it all for you!

Exporting your reports and data is easy when you need to present them to others. You can export to a change readiness assessment PDF or PowerPoint. Both the organizational readiness for change PDF reports help you easily share your readiness findings with others and point out what’s going well and what may need more attention before the project’s go-live date.

You can securely access your organizational readiness to change assessment tool in the OCMS Platform using any device including a mobile phone, iPad, laptop, Mac, or PC, and from any location (office, home, or even when traveling).

Insight Into Go-Live Checklist Activities

Easily see which groups are supporting or resisting the change, get a holistic view of knowledge and training gaps, see how users are progressing through their awareness of new processes, and much more.

Tasks Checklist

Your change management readiness assessment template reporting is always up to date with the progress you or your team are making as you complete the steps and tasks needed for your readiness analysis and assessment exercises.

View the data from your organizational change readiness assessment template how you like. See all projects or filters to view one or more projects, groups, job roles, locations, and more.

This alternative to the change readiness assessment template Prosci has allows you to view readiness assessment comparisons, or view one assessment at a time. You can also use the correlation reporting that helps you identify readiness risk areas.

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Comprehensive Change Readiness Assessment Templates (for Groups & Individuals)

OCMS Portals #1 group and individual readiness for change assessment tool can be used to get both a high-level overview and a detailed granular view of your overall group readiness for a transition. It also provides insights into change management engagement planning for your business change readiness checklist. 

These change readiness assessment tools are flexible to use how you like. Get started right away with everything set up to capture all your change readiness assessments. 

Change Readiness assessment

You have a business readiness assessment template for assessments at the group level. There is also an individual-level operational readiness assessment template. 

The Overall Readiness Result Auto Calculates!

Scoring for the overall readiness result is automated for you! It calculates from the five key KPI metrics used in the operational readiness plan template:

  • Awareness of the Change
  • Acceptance of the Change
  • Knowledge of What is Changing
  • Proficiency

This automated scoring saves you a lot of time. Instead of spending hours in your organizational readiness assessment tool, you can capture the five key KPIs via our survey, upload the results, and instantly get an overall readiness score per group and/or individual.

Add as many change readiness assessments as you like!

Smaller projects may only require two readiness assessments, one as a baseline and one before go-live. While larger and longer-term projects may require several. Our project readiness assessment template gives you the ability to add more assessment areas, which are instantly reflected on your analytics reports.

OCMS Portal’s #1 Operational Readiness Template & Toolkit offers one easy software to use to conduct and manage all aspects of your change readiness assessment and preparation. It provides you with a best-in-class go live checklist template that allows you to gather the right levels of readiness criteria factors.

Do you know all the readiness factors that need to be assessed? If not, no worries, this business readiness template includes a simplified and optimized structure with pre-defined columns and data fields. Spend less time trying to figure out what you need to assess. This allows you to better focus your time on conducting the assessment itself and reporting on readiness progress.

A change readiness assessment is not a one-time-and-be-done exercise. You want to assess each group multiple times over a period of time to see whether there is improvement or deterioration in their readiness for the change. See the operational readiness assessment template screenshots below for examples.

Connect Key Indicators of Go-Live Readiness to Change Management Engagement

A key goal of a structured change management program is to increase impacted user readiness and adoption. This includes the awareness, acceptance, capacity, knowledge, and training needed to ready impacted individuals for the change.

Once you review the reporting from your organizational readiness to change assessment tool, you’ll see which areas require more user engagement and can track your progress in delivering the activities to increase readiness.

For example, if you see that awareness of the change is low, this indicates that communications engagement is needed to improve awareness. As awareness increases, so does the overall readiness for the change.

If you see that acceptance of the change is low when reviewing the organizational change readiness assessment template, it indicates that meetings and workshops might be needed to improve support for the project.

Being able to track the progress of these activities to increase readiness right in the same change readiness assessment template as you are tracking assessments is incredibly helpful. As it allows you to see where more change management engagement is needed.

For example, say that you see that several stakeholder groups showing low knowledge in the go live readiness checklist template, but also see that delivery of training engagement is at 100%. This indicates more training should be added to improve knowledge so the stakeholders will be ready for the transition.

Likewise, if there are several groups with low awareness listed in your project go live checklist template, you may also note that communication activities have not started yet, which is the reason.

Do you have questions about the types of activities that will increase change readiness? Looking for more guidance on using a post-implementation review checklist or an alternative for the Prosci change readiness assessment? Check out our Ultimate Readiness Assessment Guide.

Flexibility & Scalability

Your OCM Solution platform group and individual readiness for change assessment tool is scalable, meaning you can use it for any type of program, from small projects that will impact only a few groups to large transformations that will impact thousands of employees, managers, customers, and external users.

The change readiness assessment templates can be used for both individual-level assessment, for smaller groups and projects with limited impacts, as well as for large enterprise readiness assessments spanning multiple countries.

OCMS Portal change management platform security is excellent, giving you peace of mind as you use these change readiness assessment tools. View our detailed security page here.

Security Policy OCMS Portal

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Contact us if you have any questions about an alternative to the Prosci readiness assessment or questions related to using a pre-go-live checklist to improve organizational readiness for a business change.

Project Go-Live Checklist Template for Readiness Assessments – Tasks Checklist

A bonus feature that you get with your OCM Solution change readiness assessment tool is an organizational readiness assessment checklist that walks you through the process of conducting readiness assessments to prepare groups for an upcoming project launch.

This business readiness checklist comes pre-populated with tasks and objectives you can follow when enabling readiness for a change. You can use the go-live readiness checklist as is and use the steps and tasks provided. Or you can edit the information to tailor the change readiness checklist for your needs.

Tailor This Go Live Checklist for Your Needs

OCM Solution’s change readiness assessment tools and other change management toolkits set you up for success. Use them right away as they are – which is based on change management best practices – or customize them as you like to fit your organization’s needs perfectly.

Complete OCM Checklist

You can edit the tasks to quickly transform this go-live readiness checklist template into a:

  • Post implementation review checklist
  • Software implementation checklist
  • M&A launch readiness checklist
  • Cutover checklist
  • SAP go-live checklist
  • ERP implementation checklist
  • Substitute for the Prosci readiness assessment checklist
  • Culture change organizational readiness assessment checklist
  • And many more!

Change Management Survey Questions You Can Use

One of the time-saving features of the OCM Solution readiness to change assessment tool is the survey designed to capture key KPIs that are used in your golive templates to gauge readiness.

The change management survey questions line up with the five key KPI columns in the readiness for change assessment tool templates that generate your overall readiness result. This makes it easy to upload the survey results directly into your business readiness assessment template, saving you a lot of time!

Plus, if you’re using the individual readiness for change assessment tool template, the individual’s email address is used as an identifier and the survey results will automatically populate into the correct row.

The readiness survey in the OCM Solution Portal Readiness Assessment Tool can be emailed or linked and the survey results will automatically feed into Readiness Tool and Survey Reports.

You can use the change readiness assessment PDF survey to quickly see what the questions look like. Easily edit the Readiness survey versions to add your company/project information at the top or to adjust the questions to suit your needs better.

Here is an example of the OCMS Platform readiness survey that you’ll find in the OCM Solution operational readiness assessment tool.

readiness survey

What are the benefits of using the survey in our organizational readiness tools?

  • Do your change readiness assessments quickly
  • The change management survey questions are already set up to match the 4 KPIs in your change readiness assessment templates
  • Send directly to your target audience and have the results feed into the individual-level change readiness assessment tool template
  • Surveys can be personalized for your organization

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Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions about this alternative to the change readiness assessment Prosci tool or about customizing our change readiness assessment tools for your needs.

Get the OCM Solution Business Readiness Assessment Toolkit Today!

What’s Inside the OCM Solution Change Readiness Assessment Tool?

  • Group-level change readiness assessment template
  • Individual-level business readiness assessment template
  • Change readiness assessment reports dashboard
  • Readiness to change assessment tool survey to capture readiness KPIs
  • Guides, tutorials, and help resources
  • and More!

What Else Can I Expect From OCMS Platform?

  • Control & security with 4 user permission levels
  • Integration with other OCMS Portal change management tools (change impacts assessment, training management, project risk assessment, and many more)
  • A readiness assessment tool that teaches you how to do readiness assessment and preparedness
  • Responsive support for all your change management and readiness plan questions

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Readiness for Change Assessment Tool FAQs

Multi-prong question about sharing these golive templates for readiness assessment with other team members

Questions: Can I share the OCM Solution change readiness assessment tools with others? What are the requirements for the single-use license? If I have a colleague on the same project, can we use it separately and work on the project separately, or do we need to buy 2 licenses?

Answer: OCMS Portal software is offered on a per-user basis. You can add users to your account to collaborate with you but they need to have their own license. You can purchase as many licenses as you need and assign it to your team members either right away or after you subscribe – it’s easy to add teammates and other users.

Can I cancel at any time?

Answer: Absolutely! We’d hate to see you go, but we understand things come up. Subscription plans for our readiness management tool are recurring but can be canceled before the next renewal period. We have a no-questions-asked simple-click cancellation policy—no hoops for you to jump through.

Does the go-live checklist (Task Checklist) include guides and tutorials?

Answers: Yes, it does. You’ll find video tutorials other resources that provide you with a step-by-step walkthrough.

I am in a different region; will these change readiness assessment tools still work for me?

Answer: Yes, most definitely. Our OCMS Platform and all of the tools, including organizational readiness tools, were developed for change practitioners in the United States, Australia, the U.K., Canada, Philippines, India, Africa, Europe, LATAM, Middle East, APAC, and any region. It is truly a global operational readiness assessment template.

Can I remove OCMS Portal branding and use my branding or firm’s logo?

Answer: Yes, you can replace OCMS Portal branding on your purchased change readiness assessment templates, when you add the Rebranding add-on to your order. 

How are future enhancements/changes handled for OCMS Portal go-live checklist, template, and dashboard?


Future upgrades and changes to OCMS Portal (which includes training implementation plan template & tools) will be done periodically. Upgrades and future enhancements will always be free to customers. 

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FAQ | Change Readiness Matrix Tool

What is readiness assessment?

A readiness assessment is a set of tasks done to learn how ready impacted stakeholders are for an upcoming transition. A project go live checklist is often used to ensure that people have the awareness, knowledge, and training needed and are ready to successfully adopt a new project solution by the project’s “go-live” date.

What does a change readiness assessment look like?

A change readiness matrix and assessment will look like a chart with key readiness indicators. Groups will be surveyed on these indicators, which will be looked at holistically to provide an overall readiness result. A change readiness assessment is performed more than once during a project to see if change management efforts are improving levels of readiness as expected. The readiness plan reporting will often show the progression of readiness indicators on an assessment timeline.

How do you assess if an organization is ready for a change?

When using a project or software implementation checklist to assess if an organization is ready for change, you’ll use some key indicators that are measurements of readiness. These include things like awareness of the change, acceptance of the change, capacity for change, knowledge of what is changing, and the level of training needed.

Do you have an alternative to the change readiness assessment template Prosci has?

Yes, OCM Solution offers one of the top change readiness assessment templates you can find. You can use this as a substitute for a Prosci change readiness assessment tool or other readiness tools from other sites. The OCM Solution Change Readiness Assessment Tool is part of the full All-in-One change management platform - OCMS Portal.

Note: Content on OCM Solution's ocmsolution.com website is protected by copyright. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this OCM Solutions page, please reach out to Ogbe Airiodion (Change Management Lead) or the OCM Solutions Team today. OCM Solution was previously known as Airiodion Global Services (AGS).

External sources: stock.adobe.com, https://www.ls.graphics/free/free-pixel-4-and-pixelbook-go-mockup