OCM Solution – Change Management Solution

OCMS Portal - Self Quotation Tool

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Quote Details

Quote Date:

October 22, 2024

Quote Reference:


Quote Valid Until:

November 22, 2024

8 Quick Steps:

Step 1: Duration:
Choose a subscription length ranging from 1 to 5 years. The more years, the higher the discounts. Plus you get additional discounts based on licenses you add below.

Step 2: Additional User Licenses:
You get 1 free user license, with the option to add more so your entire team can collaborate and utilize all OCM tools in one centralized platform.

Step 3: Additional Project Licenses:
You get 2 free licenses. Additional project licenses allow your organization to use the OCMS Portal for multiple projects in parallel. Estimate needed licenses based on your annual or concurrent project count.

Step 4: Guest Licenses:
Grant stakeholders view-only access to project details and reports by adding guest licenses.

Step 5: Change Management Library License:
The library license gives all users on your OCMS Portal account access to hundreds of change management articles and resources to boost OCM success.

Step 6: Rebranding License:
The rebranding license lets you customize your OCMS Portal theme and replace our logo with yours on the navigation bar.

OCMS Portal Suite:
Our all-in-one Change Management Portal with tools, templates, and dashboards for managing organizational change.

2 Hours of Customer Onboarding and Support:
One-time account setup, onboarding and more to help your team ramp up quickly and focus on effective change management delivery.

Step 7: Additional Hours of Onboarding and Support:
Add additional hours of support if needed. This will be in addition to the one-time account setup, onboarding, and more. Schedule calls as needed.

Step 8: Hours of Professional Services:
Our professional team supports your OCM success by doing your time consuming data entry, uploading data, and doing repeated OCM admin tasks allowing you to focus on more important change management tasks.

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