adoption metrics project management

Exclusive Dashboard for Change Management Reporting Across All Key Change Metrics

Toolkit Designed for You to Easily Analyze & Report Metrics for Change Management Activities

How do you know when a change project is on track or having problems? When high-level stakeholders ask you, “How is the change project going?”, what analytics can you show them to illustrate the progress of adoption and change management?

Measuring change management effectiveness is important for a number of reasons. First, stakeholders may not be ready to adopt the required changes, but if you aren’t tracking and evaluating change management KPIs and successes, you may not realize this until it’s too late. Then the project will be at a high risk of failure.

Another reason that measuring change management metrics is important is to illustrate the value of organizational change management (OCM). Using the right change analytics, you can show readiness and support progression as well as user adoption success.

Groundbreaking Change Management Dashboard to Report Key Measures of Success

Easily generate comprehensive change management reports with a groundbreaking, first-ever, All-in-One Organizational Change Management KPI Dashboard.

The OCM Solution Change Management Metrics & KPI Tool has been designed for Change Managers, Project Managers, Program Leads, HR, Communication Specialists, Training Leads, consulting firms, and anyone interested in tracking the success of organizational change implementation.

key measures of success

End-to-End Change Management Report

Over the last 15 years, I have successfully implemented large-scale organizational change management across a wide range of organizations including Apple, Intel, Cisco, and the Federal Reserve Bank. Measuring and tracking the effectiveness of my change management activities has been very critical to my success in enabling over a hundred thousand users across various organizations to adopt new solutions, processes, policies, and other types of change.

Knowing when one or more of your change plans is not as effective as expected allows you to modify that plan. Getting insights into which change management activities are the most effective allows you to increase these activities to expand on your change successes. These are examples on how important measuring change management effectiveness is.

Ogbe Airiodion
Senior Change Management Lead

measuring stakeholder engagement

How to measure employee engagement metrics | OCM Solution KPI Dashboard

Change Management Tracking Made Easy (Increase Your Change Management Success Rate)

Without the right change success metrics template, trying to report meaningful and targeted change readiness and adoption KPIs can be difficult and time-consuming.

Our change management metrics dashboard does all the heavy lifting for you! The OCM Solution Change Metrics & KPI Dashboard is only available as part of our All-in-One Change Management Platform. This platform includes a collection of toolkits that allow you to do end-to-end change management assessments, planning, and reporting.

The Change Metrics & KPI Dashboard integrates with all those toolkits (change impacts, communications, readiness, training, stakeholder management, and more) to bring you cross-project, cross-activity change management measurement metrics reporting that updates in real-time as you update your assessments and tracking.

how to measure change management success

Are you seeking how to measure employee engagement metrics, training KPIs, communication metrics, and other details related to change management activities? The OCM Solution Change Management & User Adoption Dashboard provides you with everything you need to measure, track, and assess the successes or failures of a change enablement program.

You get seamless integration of all areas of your change KPI activities so you can see change management key performance indicators in a single pane of glass view.

This Change Management Dashboard Template is equally suited to newbies and experienced change managers, practitioners, and project leads. This software is designed to help those new to change management ramp up the learning curve with expert guidance as well as give seasoned change managers tools to increase their team’s efficiency.

Contact us if you have any questions about OCM Solution toolkits, products, or services. As pioneers of best change management practices, we believe in supporting the global change management community.

Affordable, No Hassle Pricing

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Benefits of the OCM Solution Change Management Monitoring Software

Seamless Features to Enhance Your Change Management Analytics & Reporting

Ensure Projects Hit ROI & Value Expectations

How do you know when a project is heading in the wrong direction? A KPI of change management can help you identify where there are problems with resistance, where communications aren’t hitting the mark, or where a lack of training may mean failed adoption by impacted groups.

With transparent reporting metrics to measure employee engagement, support, and adoption, you can keep projects on track and help them reach ROI and value expectations.

change management indicator

Everything in One Place

The OCM Solution change management tools provide one centralized place to keep track of your change activities and OCM metrics. The dashboard imports information from each change management toolkit and adoption metrics change management template. It highlights key insights on the successes or risks of your change management engagement.

This change management dashboard example allows you to quickly gain a holistic view of your change metrics to inform outcome measurement strategies for organizational change. Present the dashboard to key project stakeholders to inform them of the change project’s overall progress and results.

change management adoption metrics

Full Integration with Other OCM Change Management Toolkits

This KPI planning template and change metrics dashboard pulls data from your other OCM Solution change management toolkits. This integration means that you only need to enter your data once for training, communications, impact assessment, etc. and those change management metrics will populate the KPI & Metrics Dashboard. This makes monitoring organizational change much easier!

The KPIs suggested for change management include communication engagement, proficiency in training KPI dashboard scoring, KPIs for internal communications delivery, measurement of change support and resistance, change champion training success metrics, and more.

You don’t have to guess how to measure change management success – the All-in-One Change Management Platform & Change Management KPI Metrics Dashboard do it all for you!

change management metrics kpi

Template for Measuring User Adoption

Change professionals know that the project isn’t over when you pass the go-live date. There is a lot of work that needs to be done to ensure that stakeholders are adopting the deployed project solution.

This tool has a change adoption metrics template that enables you in measuring user adoption before and after go-live. Use the included change management adoption survey to gather key details from impacted users and then report on those change management adoption metrics from this one-of-a-kind adoption metrics dashboard.

change adoption metrics

Change Management Survey Questions

How do you measure change management support, training, readiness, and change adoption metrics? You can leverage the change management survey and change management questionnaire that you find in each toolkit in the All-in-One Change Management Platform. Including the change management adoption survey in the Change Metrics & KPI tool.

All change management surveys come in Microsoft Forms – an easy online version to use that collates answers for you – as well as Microsoft Word and PDF. Use the pre and post change management survey questions in the format that fits your needs best.

change management feedback survey

Export Your Change Management Reports to PDF or PPT

This KPI metrics for change management dashboard makes it easy to share reports in no time. You can choose which key measures of success you want to share and then export your change management reporting to PDF or PowerPoint.

change managment tools

Change Management Scorecard Template

View Pricing for This Toolkit

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New to Change Management?

Then the All-in-One Change Management Platform, with the KPI Tool for measuring success of change management will help guide you through the entire process, end-to-end.

Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions about measuring transformational change or if you would like a great alternative to the Prosci change scorecard or ADKAR questionnaire.

Generate Masterful Change Management Reporting

evaluating communication strategies

Change Analytics & Reporting Dashboard

Instantly provide a change management report that summarizes activities across multiple areas of change management engagement. Show adoption vs engagement metrics and key performance indicators that could be used to measure changes to inform project risk and successes.

Whether you want to benchmark three scenarios of organizational change, start measuring stakeholder engagement, view stats to help in evaluating communication strategies, or check your overall change management success rate, you can do it with this innovative reporting dashboard.

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Change Metrics Dashboard
Change Management Metrics
Change Metrics & KPI Dashboard
Change Management Reporting
Change Metrics Dashboard
Change Management Metrics
Change Metrics & KPI Dashboard
Change Management Reporting
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Scroll through some reporting screenshots of our change management KPIs and metrics dashboard.

A key value of the OCM Solution Change Management Metrics KPI Dashboard is that it gives you a single place to see reporting across your organization (all projects) and across your change management activities. It also includes unique change management reports that you will only get in this organizational change management dashboard.

This change portfolio management dashboard imports data from 8 OCM Solution Toolkits, plus its own engagement success metrics template. Your KPI change management dashboard will populate:

  • External and internal communications dashboard metrics
  • Training effectiveness dashboard KPIs
  • Change champion enablement KPIs
  • Stakeholder engagement KPI details
  • Organizational change management KPI for change impacts
  • Readiness change management measurement metrics
  • Resistance change management indicator KPIs
  • Coaching success change management metrics
  • Adoption and change management KPIs

Your Organizational Change Management KPI Reports Update in Real Time

Your reporting is always up to date with the latest entries and data you’ve added to any of your change management measurement tools (change impacts, readiness, stakeholder management, communications, etc.). This automated process means you can run any requested reports on metrics for change management fast. They’re always up to date with your data.

Our analytics save you a ton of time when it comes to analyzing and presenting change management report updates. Instead of having to spend hours in Excel poring over a training metrics template, adoption success metrics template, or another KPI planning template to figure out charts – OCM Solution has done all the work for you!

Exporting your reports and data is easy when you need to present them to others. You can export summary reports from all your change management evaluation tools to PDF or PowerPoint.

You can securely access all OCM Solution change management measurement tools using any device including a mobile phone, iPad, laptop, Mac, or PC, and from any location (office, home, or even when traveling).

Full team collaboration in the cloud, plus the ability to export your data to an offline Excel file when you need to, make measuring organizational change effectiveness seamless.

What Metrics Do You Use to Drive Change?

Many different metrics go into measuring change results. Near the beginning of a project, the change practitioners are measuring change management indicators such as the number and severity of change impacts. Stakeholder readiness, which includes about five different change management survey questions, is another key area to include on a change management scorecard template.

Then there are KPIs from the communications metrics dashboard, measuring employee engagement metrics, training KPI metrics, and more.

When deciding how to measure organizational change, you don’t need to figure any of this out yourself! Our All-in-One Change Management Platform and Change Management Metrics KPI Tool guide you through the process and produce the impactful and informative reporting that executives, sponsors, project managers, and change managers need to drive successful projects.

organizational change management dashboardOCM Solution | Educational Tools & Reporting Dashboards that Teach How to Monitor Change Management Effectively.

Want to learn more about what metrics do you use to drive change? Check out: Best Change Management KPIs & Metrics | All You Need to Measure Change

Are you looking for an alternative to the Prosci change management scorecard or ADKAR questionnaire that addresses post go-live change KPI metrics? Do you need a sample questionnaire on change management performance or a better way of measuring internal communication effectiveness? Just reach out to request a personalized quote.

Change Management Dashboard Template for Pre- and Post-Go-Live Adoption

One thing that change managers, training managers, and project managers continually tell us is that they need a place to track the post-go-live adoption of changes. This is a critical period that can make or break the success of a project.

measuring employee engagement metrics

Further, they want to track change adoption metrics both before and after the project goes live so they can show the change management success rate and progression towards adoption and normalization.

The OCM Solution adoption KPI planning template addresses this challenge in evaluating change management success after a project goes live. This template is part of the change management metrics dashboard, which comes exclusively as part of the All-in-One Change Management Platform.

Change management tracking for adoption KPIs and adoption vs engagement metrics can be captured in this Change Adoption Management (CAM) Template easily. You can also capture them before and after the project goes live to show a comparison that provides a helpful method for how to measure employee engagement metrics.

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Change Adoption Metrics
Change Adoption Survey
Change Metrics Tasks Panel
Change Adoption KPIs
Change Adoption Metrics - Before Go-Live
Change Adoption Survey
Change Metrics Tasks Panel
Change Adoption KPIs
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Scroll through some adoption KPI of change management template screenshots.

All Set Up for Measuring Stakeholder Engagement & Adoption

You don’t have to wonder how to measure organizational change adoption after go-live. This adoption and change management template is all set up for measuring change management key KPIs and metrics. There is also a change management feedback survey included with answer options that match the change management tracking template.

First, send out the included change management questionnaire to impacted stakeholders, then input or upload the results to see if you need to increase communication engagement, add more training to improve training success metrics, or support user adoption in another way.

Please reach out if you have any questions about measuring KPI internal communication metrics, using an external communications measurement dashboard, where to find a change management survey sample, or with other questions about metrics for change management.

Easy-to-Use Change Management Surveys

Have you been wondering how to measure employee engagement metrics? Unsure how to track change analytics to drive outcome measurement strategies for organizational change?

One of the time-saving features of the OCM Solution All-in-One Change Management platform, which includes this KPI change management dashboard, is the inclusion of change management survey questions and change management surveys in the toolkits.

change management evaluation tools

Change management survey sample from the OCM Solution Change Management Platform.

The change management feedback survey options in the software are provided in three formats:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Forms
  • PDF

In the Change Management Metrics & KPI Tool, you’ll find post change management survey questions related to user adoption and change management support post go-live.

In the other change management tools that are included in the All-in-One platform, you’ll find some of the following change management surveys:

  • Training KPI dashboard survey for training needs
  • Training metrics template survey for post-training feedback
  • Post change management survey questions for readiness KPIs
  • Change management survey for resistance assessment
  • Change management feedback survey for coaching
  • Change management survey questions for stakeholder support
  • Change management surveys to assess the change champions network

post change management survey questions

Sample questionnaire on change management adoption metrics

What are the change management reporting benefits of using these surveys?

  • The change management questionnaire options match data input on the template – this makes change assessments & analysis faster to conduct
  • Measuring change management performance is set up for you according to standard key KPIs
  • 3 change management survey formats to choose from (Word, MS Forms, PDF)
  • Results are easily uploaded into the OCM Solution templates to quickly generate actionable and insightful change management reporting
  • MS Forms makes it easy to send your change management questionnaire out. Respondents can fill it out online from any device
  • You can personalize these change management metrics dashboard surveys for your organization

Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions about this alternative to the Prosci change scorecard, how to use our communications metrics dashboard, the metrics to measure employee engagement, or our tools for measuring change management effectiveness.

What Change Management KPI Metrics Will You See Using This Tool for Change Management Monitoring?

You’ll get a wide range of change management key performance indicators laid out for you in the OCM Solution Change KPI & Adoption Metrics Dashboard.

Before we get into all the measurement of change KPIs you’ll see, let’s discuss where you get the KPI information and how to measure change management success.

Sending out change management surveys, speaking with users, engaging with change champions, direct observations, and monitoring system/process usages are examples of how you can gather change management metrics.

If you’d like more details on evaluating change management and what key measures of success you should track, check out our Change Management Metrics and KPIs Guide.

Now, let’s get into the measurement of change KPIs you will see with this change management scorecard dashboard.

OCM Metrics for Change Impacts

Change management KPIs and metrics for organizational impact are key to understanding which teams and stakeholders you need to engage with the most. If your change management metrics KPI tells you that the Marketing Department is going through the most high-severity changes, then that department needs to be a top priority for communication engagement, resistance management, and other change activities.

See which stakeholder audiences are being impacted the most, where the risk of change saturation is occurring, and which types of changes are impacting the organization and how.

how do you measure change management

monitoring organizational changeKPIs for Evaluating Communication Strategies

Many other key performance indicators that could be used to measure changes rely on communications being planned and managed effectively. One change management dashboard example would be user awareness of the changes that are coming. If your internal communications dashboard shows that most of your emails are ending up in users’ spam folders, then awareness will likely be low because people aren’t getting that information.

In this case, you would want to change your communication strategy to ensure better communication engagement metrics. KPIs for internal communications and external communications include the status of messages, engagement success, and more.

Readiness Change Management Analytics

Change management revolves around getting impacted stakeholders ready to adopt the required changes. This is done by tracking and raising the levels of awareness, project support, capacity, and knowledge, as well as providing the necessary training.

Use this change management KPI dashboard to see and report on readiness throughout each readiness assessment. Measuring transformational change readiness is easier when you have a tool like this to report on user readiness in real time.

measuring organizational change effectiveness

Measuring success of change management through readiness reporting.

Please let us know if you have any questions about measuring employee engagement metrics, tracking KPI internal communication metrics, using a user adoption dashboard, or finding an alternative to the Prosci change management scorecard.

Training & Coaching Metrics

Good adoption metrics change management reporting often relies on good training and coaching. People need to be enabled to learn the process, software, workflow, culture, and other changes they will need to adopt.

How do you measure change management training success? By reviewing feedback on your training effectiveness dashboard area of the KPI Metrics change management evaluation tools.

training kpi metricsTraining & enablement KPIs and Training KPI Metrics for most successful training programs.

Improve the effectiveness of your training program by using these unique change management measurement tools for monitoring organizational change training gaps and needs.

Stakeholder Support

A high level of support and engagement from stakeholders, sponsors, and change champions will have a direct correlation to the success of your change management activities and user enablement. When impacted leaders and managers within an impacted group are supportive of the project, then resistance from their direct reports and employees will be low, which will increase change adoption successes.

Use the change management measurement metrics for stakeholders, resistance, and change champions to help in measuring change results. These can include moving stakeholders to higher levels of support and improving the visibility of change champions helping to drive the transition in their business units.

how to measure organizational change

OCM Solution Change Portfolio Management Dashboard

Other Change Metrics: Other metrics for measuring organizational change effectiveness that you can input into the change management KPI metrics template are listed below.

Note: You don’t need to track all of these metrics for change management. The Change Management Dashboard for KPIs & Metrics was developed to be scalable for any type of change. And so, only track and enter what you need.

The KPIs suggested for change management include:

  • Stakeholder engagement KPI
  • Communications measurement dashboard metrics
  • Change metrics for availability of stakeholders, trainees, and sponsors
  • Assess champion network effectiveness
  • Track awareness and understanding of the change
  • Gauge receptiveness or resistance to the change
  • Track readiness for Go-Live
  • Track usage of new solutions
  • Success metrics template to measure user proficiency
  • Assess overall user adoption
  • Review overall change reinforcement successes
  • Measure overall user experience and satisfaction 
  • Track a change management report on training effectiveness

Get the OCM Solution Organizational Change Management Dashboard Template Today!

change management kpis and metricsThe OCM Solution Change Management Metrics Dashboard is Exclusively Available as Part of an All-in-One Subscription.

What’s Inside the OCM Solution All-in-One Change Management Platform?

  • 10 Change Management Toolkits all based on industry best practices
  • The Change Management Metrics & KPI Dashboard, with adoption success metrics template (this cannot be purchased separately)
  • Change Management Workflow that takes you through each step of the OCM process
  • Free change management templates & roadmaps
  • Create reports & dashboards specific to your business needs
  • Guides, presentation templates, pre-populated checklists
  • Instant analytics as you input data (no spending hours trying to create reports)
  • Ability to add on special features like knowledge library access or rebranding
  • …and more!

What Else Can I Expect From OCM Solution?

  • Control & security with 4 user permission levels
  • The Change Management Metrics & KPI Dashboard automatically pulls in data and generates reports from your other OCM Solution toolkits.
  • Multiple tooltips throughout the platform explain the “why” behind the data
  • Responsive support for all your questions about measuring change management.

Let us know if you have any questions about generating change management reports using our tools or how to sign up for this one-of-a-kind change analytics solution.

Get the KPI Dashboard Today
(and Get Instant Access!)

Change Management Reporting FAQs

What are the KPIs of change management?

It’s not unusual when you’re first starting out in OCM to wonder how to monitor change management activities. You should include a holistic picture of the project in your KPI planning template.

Here is a list that will help with the KPIs for evaluating change management:
• Communication engagement KPIs
• System usage change management reporting
• Issues change management tracking
• Adoption vs engagement metrics
• Measuring stakeholder engagement effectiveness
• Training KPI dashboard metrics
• Measuring change management effectiveness for the Champion Network
• Leadership support & visibility metrics
• Metrics on user awareness of the change
• Resistance to change KPI tracking
• Readiness for Go-Live metrics
• Metrics on the usage of new solutions
• User proficiency KPIs
• Overall user adoption metrics
• KPIs on overall change reinforcement successes
• KPIs on overall user experience and satisfaction

Read more here:

Who defines metrics for change management?

For organizational change management, the change process owner typically defines how to measure change management success metrics. This is done in collaboration with the project manager and project sponsor.

For IT-based change control, the IT managers in collaboration with the project team define the metrics for change management.

How do you measure change management effectiveness?

You measure change management performance and effectiveness by tracking the following on a change management report:
• Leadership support & visibility change management metrics
• Metrics for change management user awareness of the change
• Change KPIs on receptiveness or resistance
• Readiness for go-live change management reports
• Metrics on the usage of new solutions
• User proficiency KPIs
• Communications metrics dashboard KPIs
• Overall user adoption metrics
• Change reinforcement key measures of success
• KPIs on overall user experience and satisfaction

Read more here:

What are the metrics for driving positive change?

What information should you include on a change management report? The key areas that need to be tracked, assessed, and measured to determine change successes are as follows:
• Change Management Activities
• User Adoption KPIs
• Metrics to Measure Employee Engagement & Proficiencies
• Insights from Change Metrics & KPIs
• Change Management Plans

Read more here:

Note: Content on OCM Solution's website is protected by copyright. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this OCM Solutions page, please reach out to Ogbe Airiodion (Change Management Lead) or the OCM Solutions Team today. OCM Solution was previously known as Airiodion Global Services (AGS).

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