Best M&A Integration Plan Template & Checklist

Quick Summary

Mergers and acquisitions offer enormous potential, yet they are not without their challenges. Common pitfalls of mergers & acquisitions include:

  • neglecting change management,
  • failing to define a clear integration plan,
  • underestimating the complexity of merging companies,
  • lacking a comprehensive company merger checklist, and
  • focusing excessively on logistics at the expense of value and people.

Incorporating an effective post-merger integration checklist is essential for seamless M&A transitions and this comprehensive guide provides you with the insights you need and a free template checklist for successful merger and acquisition integrations across various areas.

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Post-merger M&A Integration Checklist

Are you about to embark on the exciting journey of a merger or acquisition? It’s a significant step that can reshape your organization and potentially drive it to new heights. To ensure the success of your firm’s transformative process, the structured integration plan and checklist outlined below takes into account key essential detail.

A post-merger integration checklist is a crucial tool for achieving the envisioned success of merging two or more companies, ensuring that value is added rather than diminished during the transition and leveraging our complimentary post M&A checklist can significantly improve the outcome of post-merger integration.

Some best practices for checklist implementation include:

  • maintaining a single document,
  • securely sharing it with responsible team members, and
  • setting calendar reminders for regular updates.

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The Essential Post Merger & Post Acquisition Integration Checklist

Here’s what a great post merger & post acquisition integration checklist package should include: 

  1. HR & Personnel Post Merger Integration Plan
  2. Finance & Accounting Post Merger Integration Plan
  3. Organization & Culture Merger and Acquisition Checklist Tasks
  4. Technology & Physical Space Post Merger Integration Plan
  5. Sales, Marketing & Customer Service Post Acquisition Integration Checklist Tasks
  6. Supply Chain Management Post Acquisition Integration Checklist Tasks
  7. Production Merger and Acquisition Checklist Tasks

Navigating the intricate landscape of mergers and acquisitions demands meticulous planning and execution & OCMS Post Merger & Post Acquisition Integration Checklist is your invaluable companion, providing a structured approach. With our free post-merger checklist package, organizations can confidently manage the complexities of merging two companies, ensuring a smooth and successful transition in this dynamic business environment.

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Detailed Deep Dive

Top Post-Merger Integration Checklist to Ensure a Smooth M&A Transition

For companies that have merged or are merging, achieving the goals of the merger often require an “M&A Day 1 Readiness checklist”, as well as a “100 Day Integration Plan Checklist.”

This free OCM Solution guide provides you with everything you need to know about conducting the best mergers and acquisitions integrations and includes a free best-in-class template checklist that you can download and use for your needs.

One of the organizational changes that has the largest number of impacts is arguably a merger or acquisition. When two companies merge or one is acquired by another, the systems, processes, personnel, culture, and procedures will all be impacted in some way.

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To achieve the announced strategic M&A values, impacted employees and managers across the merged organizations need to be guided through the transition. Processes, policies, structure, operations, systems, and more need to be managed as well as the people (employees, leadership, managers, impacted external stakeholders, etc.) going through the transition.

Table of Contents – OCMS Post Merger Integration Checklist

Keep on scrolling down this page to read each section or click any link below to go directly to that section.

1. Different Types of Integration Checklists & Areas
2. What Is a Post-Merger Integration Checklist? Why do You Need One?
3. What Can Cause a Post-Merger Integration Process to Go Wrong?
4. Post-Merger & Post Acquisition Integration Plan Checklist
5. Free Download | PMI Post Merger Integration Checklist XLS
6. Post-Merger Integration Plan FAQs

post merger integration framework

Mergers and Acquisition Integration Checklist

Do you have any questions about the OCM Solution merger and acquisition integration checklist? Please reach out and let us know.

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Also, don’t miss the OCM Solution Tools to implement any integration framework including the change impacts analysis tool to Implement Your Mckinsey Post Merger Integration Framework.

Different Types of Integration Checklists & Areas

A post-merger integration checklist xls or Word document can help you ensure that nothing is missed when transitioning both companies to the new reality. Some of the many areas that need to be handled with a “merging two companies checklist” include:

  • Human resources
  • Sales & marketing
  • Corporate & legal
  • Information technology
  • Accounting
  • Operations
  • Finance
  • And more

Within each of those areas, there will be several different tasks that need to be completed both pre-merger and post-merger. Large consulting companies like the McKinsey post-merger integration team or Bain M&A integration plan unit will often use a 100 day integration plan checklist to guide the process and help ensure no balls are dropped along the way.

In this article, we’ll provide an overview of a merger and acquisition integration checklist that you can use when working on post M&A integration planning as well as educate you on the best post merger integration framework to use for your post M&A integration activities.

You’ll also find a free downloadable post-merger integration checklist xls (Excel sheet) at the end of the article that you can use for your needs.

download free post M&A integration checklist template

Are you interested in any of the below types of post acquisition integration plan checklists?

  • 100 day integration plan checklist
  • m&a day 1 readiness checklist
  • m&a pmi checklist
  • post-merger integration hr checklist
  • acquisition integration accounting checklist
  • acquisition IT integration checklist
  • bank merger integration checklist
  • business acquisition integration checklist
  • information technology m&a integration checklist
  • m&a hr integration checklist
  • merger IT integration checklist

The OCM Solution free post-merger integration checklist xls can be used for all of the types of checklists listed above. It is truly a global, flexible, and repeatable post merger integration framework template.

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Don’t Miss: Best Tools to Implement Your Post Merger Integration Framework.

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Check out the OCM Solution Software that comes with Change Impact Assessment Tool

What Is a Post Merger Integration Checklist? Why do You Need One?

A post-merger or post-acquisition integration plan checklist is a list of activities that need to happen for a merger of two or more companies to realize the success envisioned. This would include capitalizing on the synergies between the companies and ensuring that value is added and not removed from the newly merged organization.

Because of all the complex changes that happen in both companies during a post-merger integration process, it’s important to have a list of steps or tasks outlined and categorized for each area of the organization that will be impacted, all of which are captured in a company integration checklist.

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Some best practices when using a post-merger or post-acquisition integration checklist are:

  • Keep one main merger checklist integration document (do not have duplicate, siloed copies).
  • Securely share the integration plan template with those that are responsible for tasks listed on the checklist.
  • Add a recurring calendar item to help ensure you regularly update your M&A integration checklist.

The free M&A integration checklist can be leveraged and then share with the teams responsible for each area of the company.

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Don’t Miss: 100 day integration plan checklist tool in the OCMS Portal Software.

What Can Cause a Post Merger Integration Process to Go Wrong?

Often companies will hire consulting firms when going through a major change such as a merger or acquisition because there is so much at stake if it’s not handled correctly. They may align with a McKinsey post merger integration team, for example, to ensure that nothing is left to chance and that the transition is handled by professionals that do this all the time.

When a post-merger integration process goes wrong, it can result in a company losing value, employees leaving in droves, customer retention problems, and other issues, which is why it is essential to use a post merger integration framework.

Here are some of the things that can cause mergers and acquisitions integration to go awry.

1. No Change Management to Prepare the Two Organizations

If change management isn’t part of the post-merger integration plan, then the people going through the major transition of an M&A can become an afterthought. This can result in talent upheaval, roles and reporting confusion, and more.

Using the free OCMS change management “merging two companies checklist” can help increase the success of your post-merger integration efforts.

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2. Not Defining a Clear Post Merger Integration Plan

You can’t take a “we’ll see how it goes” or “we’ll cross that bridge when we get there” mentality if you want to ensure a successful organization post-merger. You need to have a detailed M&A integration plan if you want the organization to achieve success and increase value after the merger has happened. Using the post-merger integration framework outlined in this guide will guide you in developing an efficient plan for integration.

3. Underestimating the Complexity of the Merging Companies

Leaders that underestimate the complexity of how the merger will impact both companies will often run into issues after the post M&A integration is completed on paper.

Using a OCMS Portal change impact assessment tool for M&A and a “merging two companies checklist” provides a place to lay out in detail the complex nature of the transition, identify which internal and external groups are being impacted, and manage it competently.

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4. Not Having a Company Merger Checklist

If a company doesn’t have a Day-1, 50-Day, or 100-Day integration plan checklist to catalog an outline of activities that can be checked off as they happen, things can easily get missed. When this happens, companies that have merged will end up running into problems once the two teams are integrated.

In order for a post merger integration framework to be effective, it needs to include a defined and seamless integration plan template like the free OCM Solution post merger integration process checklist template offered below.

5. Focusing on Logistics Over Value & People

Too much focus on logistics, like legal documentation, integration of technology systems, new corporate branding, etc., and not enough on value creation and people can lead companies that have merged to miss the mark.

The new enterprise can suffer from value loss, so even if the technical logistics were handled well, the project ends up failing due to major issues.

Change Impact Assessment Tool in the OCMS Portal platform can help you pinpoint the organizational groups (i.e., people) that need to be guided while implementing a post-merger integration plan

Do you have any questions about a merger or acquisition integration checklist or a merging two companies checklist and plan? Please reach out and let us know.

Post Merger & Post Acquisition Integration Plan Checklist

Below, you’ll find a merger checklist integration template that you can use as a guide for managing a merger or acquisition for an organization. This company merger checklist is divided into seven key company areas.

When you download the OCMS Post Merger Integration Checklist xls file at the end of this section, you’ll find that we’ve outlined some of the key checklist tasks to include in each area (these are also noted below). You should also add other tasks that are pertinent to the specifics of your M&A project and the organizations that are merging.

Your post-merger or post-acquisition integration checklist should include the following.

1. HR & Personnel Post Merger Integration Plan

Companies that have merged will have personnel in certain job roles that will need to be integrated into various departments. This may involve an adjustment of duties or laying off some staff due to redundancies.

Beyond department and job role structures, there are also the basic HR processes that need to be handled, such as onboarding and entering all employees into one HR system.

HR and personnel integration plan template tasks:

  • Restructure staff to the various organizational departments/business units.
  • Provide employees undergoing role changes with a clear outline of responsibilities and job descriptions.
  • Onboard employees that need onboarding to new processes and procedures.
  • Incorporate all employees into the HR and payroll/benefits systems.
  • Address position redundancies and execute a plan to either reposition or dismiss staff.

2. Finance & Accounting Post Merger Integration Plan

There will be a number of finance and accounting tasks that need to be completed as part of your integration plan template. The OCM Solution template is designed to be used as your post merger integration finance checklist.

In some cases, an entirely new company may be forming from two companies that have merged. In other cases, the main company may remain the same, but be integrating financial assets or debts from an acquired organization.

Finance and accounting tasks for a 100-day integration plan checklist:

  • Integrate banks accounts for the merging companies.
  • Integrate assets for the merging companies.
  • Integrate debts for the merging companies.
  • Create an opening balance sheet post-M&A.
  • Update company details for vendors, lenders, and other financial contacts that need to be updated.
  • Address tax planning and strategy.

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Questions about using the OCM Solution template as your post merger integration finance checklist? Click here to contact the OCMS team.

3. Organization & Culture Merger and Acquisition Checklist Tasks

If you are creating an entirely new organization as part of your M&A integration plan, there will be a lot of tasks that you’ll need to accomplish in the area of organization and culture.

On the other hand, if you’re working with an acquisition integration checklist and one company is being folded into another that will be keeping its structure and culture, then the work will involve indoctrinating the team from the acquired company into your existing organization.

Organization and culture tasks for an M&A integration checklist:

  • Create a new organizational chart.
  • Deploy change management plans before and after the merger to ensure everyone has the support they need to be successful post M&A.
  • Handle all legal documents, name changes, etc.
  • Create materials documenting the new or existing corporate culture and meet with staff for culture onboarding.
  • Update the organization’s mission statement, vision, priorities, etc. as necessary.
  • Update company systems or procedures and accompanying documentation.
  • Deploy corporate communications internally and externally regarding the merger/acquisition.

Use the free OCM Solution company acquisition integration checklist for your post M&A organization and culture activities.

post acquisition integration checklist4. Technology & Physical Space Post Merger Integration Plan

As part of the logistics of mergers and acquisitions integration, there will be changes to technology that need to be addressed. For example, putting all employees on the same business app accounts, and ensuring that everyone is protected by the same IT security strategy.

Some M&A activities may also involve moving employees physically from one location to another, in which case physical space considerations will also be a part of any checklist, whether it is your own company merger checklist or one by a consultant, like a McKinsey post merger integration checklist.

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Technology and physical space post-merger / post-acquisition integration plan checklist tasks:

  • Update software to ensure uniformity.
  • Ensure all employees are on the same cloud application company plans.
  • Issue user credentials for new users.
  • Review hardware and ensure all devices are secured to company cybersecurity standards.
  • Integrate all network systems.
  • Review mobile device policies for both companies and integrate, issuing new devices where needed, or adding new users to a company mobile device manager.
  • Conduct a post-merger IT security audit to identify any vulnerabilities.
  • Train employees, as needed, on data privacy and IT security policies.

You can use the free OCM Solution M&A IT integration checklist for your post M&A technology and systems integration activities.

free post merger checklist download

5. Sales, Marketing & Customer Service Post Acquisition Integration Checklist Tasks

When working on post M&A integration, there may be changes that impact the products and services that an organization provides. Products may be added, and branding may also change to reflect a new company direction.

Customer service may also go through a transition that is designed to improve customer experience.

Some tasks for the sales, marketing, and customer service areas of a post-acquisition integration checklist are:

  • Update products/services offerings as needed.
  • Align sales and marketing team with new organizational offerings and goals.
  • Align customer support team with any new customer initiatives.
  • Develop post M&A corporate branding and messaging, and deploy.

6. Supply Chain Management Post Acquisition Integration Checklist Tasks

 Another area on a merger checklist integration template will be related to supply chain management. This would be pertinent to any companies that receive materials and ship out products to customers.

Typical tasks related to supply chain management on your merging two companies checklist include:

  • Consolidate warehousing and storage between the merging companies.
  • Renegotiate/reconfigure outsourcing agreements as necessary.
  • Coordinate shipping and fulfillment processes.
  • Review suppliers and update agreements to reflect the new merged company’s needs.
  • Update shipping calculations in e-commerce and other platforms based on new locations as needed.

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(Instant Access to Your Free OCM Solution Post M&A Integration Checklist.)

7. Production Merger and Acquisition Checklist Tasks

If either one of the two companies that are merging manufactures any products, then production will need to be addressed and streamlined to reflect the goals of the integration plan template.

There may be equipment or facilities that are no longer needed, or the newly transformed organization may be expanding production capabilities and need to standardize procedures across the new company.

As part of the post-merger integration process for production, here are some of the tasks that would be on the M&A integration checklist:

  • Review production facilities and identify redundancies in equipment.
  • Identify the production sites that will be used post-merger.
  • Execute a plan to move production equipment as necessary.
  • Execute a plan to sell or decommission unneeded production equipment.
  • Review production sites that have been added to apply systems and procedures per company policies.

free post merger checklist download

If you have any questions about the free OCMS M&A IT integration checklist outlined in this free guide, please reach out and let us know.

Are you looking for change management tools and reports to guide your post-merger integration process? Check out the OCMS Portal Software that comes equipped Change Impact Assessment Template with an M&A impact assessment template included!

Free Download | PMI Post Merger Integration Checklist XLS

We’ve added the areas and suggested merger and acquisition checklist tasks listed above to a handy post-merger integration checklist xls spreadsheet that you can download and edit for your own needs.

Download this below.

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Do you have questions or feedback about the OCMS M&A company integration checklist? Send us a message, we’ll love to hear from you.

Post-Merger Integration Plan FAQs

What happens in post-merger integration?

During a merger or acquisition, two companies are merging into one. In post-merger integration, you need to ensure all the people, systems, facilities, processes, culture, etc. are appropriately integrated. Using an integration plan template and checklist can help ensure that all facets of both companies are accounted for and aligned in every department.

Why do mergers fail?

When a post-merger integration process goes wrong, it can result in a company losing value, employees leaving in droves, customer retention problems, and other issues. Here are some of the things that can cause mergers and acquisitions integration to go awry.

• No change management to prepare the people in the two organizations
• Not defining a clear post-merger integration plan
• Underestimating the complexity of the merging companies
• Not having a company post-merger checklist
• Focusing on logistics over value & people

How do mergers and acquisitions relate to organizational change?

Mergers and acquisitions are one of the types of transformations that involve a lot of things that are changing. Roles and responsibilities, corporate culture, processes, systems, policies, and more can be changed during M&A. Because the number of changes is usually quite high during M&A, the importance of change management is magnified. Through effective change management practices, you can mitigate negative impacts on employees and increase their buy-in, support, and engagement in the newly transformed organization.

What is the importance of change management in mergers and acquisitions?

According to a survey by McKinsey, organizational problems like failure to adopt a new corporate culture or changed operating models are responsible for nearly 50% of the failure when mergers don’t meet projections. Change management before acquisition helps prepare everyone for the changes to come so there is less apprehension and resistance. Change management after acquisition helps everyone to adapt to their new normal and successfully transition to the new corporate culture, systems, and other changes.

Note: Content on OCM Solution's website is protected by copyright. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this OCM Solutions page, please reach out to Ogbe Airiodion (Change Management Lead) or the OCM Solutions Team today. OCM Solution was previously known as Airiodion Global Services (AGS).

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