How to Develop the Best Training Plans

Learn to Develop a Winning Training Plan  

A training plan is invaluable, whether you’re onboarding employees, introducing new software, implementing change management initiatives, or nurturing future leaders. These plans are essential for ensuring that no crucial details are overlooked when educating employees and groups.

Training plans aren’t just pieces of paper; they’re your secret weapons to create confident, skilled, and motivated teams.

By using training plans, you ensure everyone gets the training they need, at the right time, making them a vital tool for any successful organization. Get ready to explore the world of training plans and how to put together an effective one!

Enjoy a quick topic summary below if you’re in a hurry. Want to dig into more detail? Keep reading for more detailed training plans examples. 

Quick Summary

What is a Training Plan?

A training plan is a document outlining specific training needs for individuals or groups, detailing how and when the training will be delivered, along with program goals, topics, and required skills/knowledge. Using a sample employee training plan template is helpful especially when you’re first getting started.

An employee training plan typically begins with an assessment of training needs, followed by a general outline of the types of training courses that trainees need to take. As you build out an employee or project-based training plan, includes specific topics, goals, and trainee engagement methods (such as feedback surveys). 

Looking for an easy way to track and manage employee training? Try OCMS Portal’s Training Tracking Tool.

how to write a training plan

Enjoy an easy-to-use place to track a training plan for employees example. You can check it out for free when you sign up for a no-risk trial of OCMS Portal – the leading change management software platform.

Why Use a Sample Training Plan Template?

An employee training plan is crucial for laying out the necessary training objectives and the plan that is being deployed to meet them. Utilizing a training plan template when creating a training plan not only saves significant time but also offers numerous benefits, enhancing the overall quality of training programs.

Relying on an employee training plan example template ensures that crucial components aren’t overlooked. By providing guidance, it acts as a roadmap, enabling the development of comprehensive and effective training plans.

A training plan template provides a starting point that includes best practices and suggested key performance indicators (KPIs) for assessing training outcomes.

Additionally, sample training plan templates, like the one in the OCMS Portal change management platform, help visualize the training management layout and reporting structures, enhancing the onboarding process and ensuring a more streamlined training delivery.

All-in-One Organizational Change Management Templates Software

OCM Toolkit for Change Managers and Teams. Change Impacts

Training Plan Example Steps

Following, is an example training plan template to use. It provides the steps to take for creating a training plan.

  • Assess Overall Training Goals & Needs:
    • Understand the training goals and objectives, reviewing project documentation and consulting stakeholders like project managers and HR teams.
  • Identify the Training Audiences:
    • Refine the individuals and groups needing training, considering input from HR, project leads, or change management teams. Use tools like a Change Impacts Assessment to identify impacted groups.
    • Determine whether training tracking should be done at the individual or group level.
  • Assess/Survey Training Audiences on Needs:
    • Survey training audiences to gauge the required level of training, recognizing varying knowledge levels among groups.
  • Create Training Plan Objectives & Gather Input:
    • Draft a training plan outline, incorporating objectives, rough timeline, estimated sessions, and a curriculum template. Socialize the outline with stakeholders and gather feedback.
  • Develop Full Training Plan & Curriculum:
    • Create a comprehensive training plan, specifying program names, topics, goals, audiences, required skills/knowledge, and delivery methods (classroom, virtual, videos, etc.).
  • Finalize Your Employee Training Plan:
    • Add trainers, set start and end dates for each training, create visual assets like videos, posters, and infographics. Review the plan with key stakeholders.
  • Deploy Training Plan:
    • Use software tools or templates to input the finalized training plan and deploy it according to the established schedule.
  • Conduct Post-Training Survey & Report Success Metrics:
    • Survey trainees and managers for feedback on training effectiveness. Use success metrics to adjust materials, add sessions as needed, or remove unnecessary training components, ensuring a proactive approach to improving training outcomes.

OCMS Portal’s Training Management Tool

training needs assessment form

Simplify your training assessment, planning, and management process with OCMS Portal – the leading change management software. Try out its Training Tool for free by signing up for a free trial now (no credit card needed).

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When Should You Conduct a Post-Training Feedback Survey?

Conducting a post-training survey immediately after the training session, even within minutes, is crucial to capturing trainees’ initial reactions while the information is fresh in their minds. Waiting too long to get the attendees’ feedback about training, risks participants forgetting their feelings about the training or not responding at all.

Without timely feedback, adjusting training delivery in real-time becomes impossible, hindering the ability to cater to the specific needs of trainees. For project-based training plans, delayed surveys may also result in missed opportunities to schedule additional sessions if participants express a need for further training. Conducting surveys promptly ensures valuable insights for refining training programs and addressing participants’ immediate concerns.

Summary Conclusion | Best Training Plan Template

In conclusion, training plans are the backbone of a thriving, knowledgeable workforce. They empower individuals and organizations to stay ahead in our ever-changing world. By providing structure, direction, and purpose to learning initiatives, training plans not only enhance skills but also foster a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.

As we’ve discovered, they are essential tools for unlocking the full potential of employees, ensuring they have the right skills to meet challenges head-on and excel in their roles. So, whether you’re a trainer crafting the perfect session or a learner embarking on a new skill, training plans are your trusty companions, guiding you toward success. 

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Detailed Deep Dive

Everything You Need to Know: Best Training Plan Examples, Sample Training Plans & How to Develop Training Plan Templates

Whether you are onboarding employees, teaching staff members to use new software, implementing a new change management program, or developing a new crop of leaders, having examples of a training plan can help. Training plans ensure you’re not missing any important details when educating employees and groups.

A training plan example for employees ensures you know what goals need to be met by the training, who should be included in the training, and what skills each person or group should learn. Without having a sample training plan template for employees to follow, you’ll be starting from scratch, which of course will take much longer.

examples of training plans


  1. Are you looking for a staff training record example to save time?
  2. Do you need sample training plans so you can follow best practices and not miss anything important?
  3. Do you need a specific type of employee training plan sample, such as an example of training plan for new employees, a sample training plan for restaurant staff, a training plan for managers, a customer service training plan sample, a sample training plan hotel staff can follow? Or something else?

If so, then this article, with several examples of a training plan for employees and groups, can help. We’ll review the basics of how to develop training plan templates and what makes the best examples of training plans.

We also include an outline for an employee training plan example and touch on our #1 best training management software, which includes free trainee surveys and a sample of training program topics and KPI reporting that you can use.

Our OCM Solution experts have been delivering training in the corporate world for decades, and we’ve incorporated our knowledge and experience into the following training plan sample template, software, and guide.

OCMS Portal’s Autogenerated Training Plan for Employees (Example)

Employee Training Plan Example

Employee training plan examples from the OCMS Portal all-in-one change management platform

Do you have questions or feedback about this change management training plan guide? Please reach out and let us know. We’ll love to hear from you

Table of Contents: Sample of Training Plan Guide

Keep on scrolling down this page to read each section or click any link below to go directly to that section.

1. What Is a Training Plan Sample?
2. Why is an Employee Training Plan Example Important?
3. What Is a Training Plan Training Design Sample Checklist?
4. Sample Training Plan for Employees & Groups
         a. Assess Overall Training Goals & Needs
         b. Identify the Training Audiences
         c. Assess/Survey Training Audiences on Needs
         d. Create an Example of Training Plan Objectives & Gather Input
         e. Develop Full Training Plan & Curriculum
         f. Finalize Your Sample Employee Training Plan (add trainers, set timeline, create visuals, etc.)
         g. Deploy Training Plan
         h. Conduct Post-Training Survey & Report Success Metrics
5. When Do Training Plans Examples Say to Conduct a Post-Training Survey?
6. Examples of Training Plans for Employees
         a. General Example Training Plan Template for All Types of Training
         b. New Employee Onboarding Training Plan Example
         c. Sample Training Plan Hotel Staff Can Use
         d. Customer Service Training Plan Sample
         e. Sample Training Plan for Restaurant Staff
         f. Sample Training Plan for Managers
         g. Sample Staff Training Plan for Cybersecurity Awareness
7. OCMS Portal’s Training Management Software with Training Plan Examples for Employees & Groups
8. Conclusion – Sample of Training Plan Management with Training Plans Examples
9. FAQ | Sample of Training Plan for Employees

Do you have questions about using a training plan training program for employees sample? Need a specific example of a training plan? Please reach out and let us know. We’ll love to hear from you.

What Is a Training Plan Sample?

A training plan is a document that details specific training that a person or group needs and how and when that training will be delivered. It also includes information on training program goals, topics being taught, and skills/knowledge that people need to learn as a result of the training.

A training plan sample template provides an example of a real training plan to follow. These sample training plans can differ in that some may be more detailed than others.

For instance, one training plan for employees sample may include a general outline of steps to take to train employees. While another sample new employee training plan or project-based training plan template example may be filled in with training topics, goals, and sample trainees (like the OCMS Portal’s training software’s training plan example of training program in company situations)

When planning training for any type of group, it’s helpful to have a sample of a training plan. It helps to guide your activities and can save you a lot of time putting together your staff training program. More on this in the next section.

Sample Training Curriculum Template from the OCMS Portal’s Training Management Software

Develop training plan

Sample Training Development Project Plan

Staff Training Record Example

The OCMS Portal’s Training Tracking Software provides you with a detailed training design sample for employees and groups being trained.

Why is an Employee Training Plan Example Important?

Using an example training plan template can save you a lot of time and it has many other benefits that make it important to use. A staff training plan example acts as a guide and can help you develop better training plans.

Whether you are using a sample training plan for restaurant staff, a training plan for managers, a customer service training plan sample, a sample training plan hotel staff use, or new employee training plan examples, without using a template to guide you, your training could be missing important components.

Benefits of leveraging an example of a training plan when designing your training programs:

  • Saves you a lot of time in the development of a training plan
  • A sample staff training plan can provide you with best practices
  • Gives you ideas for making your training better
  • Staff training plan sample KPIs help you know what metrics you need to capture to assess your training delivery
  • Helps you picture the layout and reporting of training management before you begin
  • A sample training plan for new employees can help you improve your onboarding process

What Is a Training Plan Training Design Sample Checklist?

Besides using a training plan example as a guide when developing a training program, another helpful tool is a tasks checklist. An employee training plan sample checklist is a set of tasks that you should follow when creating and deploying a training plan.

The example of training plan tasks included in the training plan checklist in the OCMS Portal’s Training Plan are things like developing training based on the level of training needed, evaluating training to gauge effectiveness, and documenting lessons learned.

Example of a Training Plan

Training plan training program for employees sample checklist

Whether you use a preformatted sample training plan template checklist or create one of your own, it is a handy way to lay out an outline of your plan and ensure no balls are dropped once you press “go” on your training project.

Making a Case for Change Management

Do you have questions about this article on training plan for employees sample templates and how to develop training plan objectives? Please reach out and let us know.

Sample Training Plan for Employees & Groups

Next, we provide a training plan example for employees and groups. It outlines the basic steps to follow from A to Z when you are developing and implementing a training program.

This training plan for employees example can be adapted to fit any type of training plan that you need. You would simply use the main outline of this sample of training plan for employees and groups and then fill in the details for your specific types of training.

We recommend that you take this staff training record example and enter it into a spreadsheet or online training management tool so you can reuse it in the future. This way, you’ll always have a standard sample training plan template for employees and groups when you begin a new training project and won’t have to “reinvent the wheel.”

Now, let’s go through the steps in this comprehensive training plan template example.

Assess Overall Training Goals & Needs

Your first step in following a sample new employee training plan or project training plan is to get a full understanding of the need for the training and the goals that it should achieve.

Without this, you’re putting the cart before the horse and could end up with a sample of a training plan that ends up missing the mark and not providing all the knowledge or skills that it should.

When following a training plan sample template, this first step includes things like reviewing the project documentation and speaking with a project manager, HR team, or other stakeholders driving the need for the training.

develop training plan

Get training planning & management templates, reporting analytics, and a sample of training program data in OCMS Portal’s Training Assessment & Management Tool.

Identify the Training Audiences

Once you have identified the reason for the training and the goals that the training is supposed to achieve, you need to refine your training audiences. These are the individuals and groups that need to be trained in new skills and knowledge.

This step in a sample training plan for new employees or projects will typically include a discussion with the HR department, project lead, or other entity responsible for driving the training need.

If you are using the example training plan template in relation to a project that is utilizing change management, then you will want to ask the change management team for a copy of the Change Impacts Assessment.

The Change Impacts Assessment identifies the groups being impacted by a change. Your trainees will typically come from those impacted groups, so reviewing this can help you in identifying your training audiences.

Sample of a training plan audience list:

  • Accounting department staff
  • Sales representative job role
  • Outside contractors
  • Marketing team
  • Customers

One more thing you should do in this stage of your staff training plan example is determine whether the training tracking needs to be done at the individual or group level. Whichever is used, will determine how you set up your training design sample for employees and groups.

OCMS Portal Training Tool

Start a free OCMS Portal trial today to access our comprehensive Training Tool, Training Surveys, and several free training resource downloads.

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Do you have any input or questions about a training plan example of training program in company activities or a sample training development project plan? Please reach out and let us know.

Assess/Survey Training Audiences on Needs

Now that you’ve identified your training audiences, you should survey them to find out what level of training is needed. You can’t assume that every group being impacted by a project or that needs training for another reason is going to require the same level of training.

When looking at both old and new employee training plan examples, it’s often clear that groups differ in their level of knowledge and skills in certain areas. You want your training to be as effective as possible, so it should be adjusted to match the needs of the group or individual.

Those with a higher level of training needed, require more planning and may need more training sessions. While those that already have a lot of knowledge on the training topic, may not need to take all planned training courses.

If you are using a staff training plan sample in support of a change management deployment for a project, then you should ask to review the Change Readiness Assessment, which will often include information on training readiness or how much training a group still needs.

Create an Example of Training Plan Objectives & Gather Input

The next stage in a sample staff training plan is to draft an outline of your training plan. This includes the objectives, rough timeline, estimated number of sessions that may be needed for each group, and a sample training curriculum template that includes an outline of the topics you intend to include.

Why not draft out your entire training plan at this stage?

You don’t want to create your entire training plan at this stage in your sample training plans, because you need to gather input on your outline and incorporate that into the final version.

This example of training plan outline is used to socialize with key stakeholders of the project, managers of impacted groups, and those driving the need for training. Gather their input to ensure your plan is meeting training objectives in their opinion.

You want to have an outline of a training plan for employees example to do this, so you don’t put too much time and effort into a plan that then gets changed when you share it with key training stakeholders.

Do you have tips for an example of training plan for new employees or other training plan examples to share that would help the trainer community? Please let us know!

Develop Full Training Plan & Curriculum

Once you’ve socialized your group and employee training plan example and incorporated feedback from key training stakeholders, you’ll begin filling out your full training plan and training topic curriculum.

It’s helpful when doing this if you have a sample training curriculum template (like the one in OCMS Portal) to input your training program, topics, and training audience information. This will make tracking training progress much easier once you are deploying the training plan.

When looking at examples of a training plan, you will typically find the following information included:

  • Training program names
  • Training topics outlined for each training program
  • Training goals
  • Audiences being trained
  • Skills/knowledge that each trainee or group needs to learn
  • Level of training needed for each trainee or group
  • Curriculum for each training topic
  • How training will be delivered (classroom, virtual, videos, etc.)

Finalize Your Sample Employee Training Plan (add trainers, set timeline, create visuals, etc.)

Once you have the heavy lifting finished in the writing of all the training curricula that trainees need to learn, it’s time to finalize your training plan by adding your list of trainers for each training and designating the start date and end date for each training.

Next up for this sample employee training plan is to create the visual elements and training aids. Typical examples of training plans for employees will include visual assets, such as:

  • Videos
  • Posters
  • Infographics
  • Memes
  • Training handbook images
  • SharePoint or other internal website graphics

At this stage in the training plan example for employees, it is a good idea to share your training plan one more time with those key training stakeholders, just to ensure that you haven’t missed anything from their feedback.

OCM Toolkit for Change Managers and Teams. Change Impacts

If you have any questions about these training plan examples for employees, a training plan for employees sample included in this article, or our OCMS Portal with training plan training program for employees sample template, please let us know!

Deploy Training Plan

Now you will deploy the training plan that you’ve worked hard to put together. During this deployment stage, it helps if you’ve been using a software tool or template to input your employee training plan examples and final plan during the process listed above.

If you do this, then you’ll have one place to keep track of all your training activities and can also track your training in real-time. See the OCMS Portal’s employee training plan sample below for ideas:

OCMS Portal Sample of Training Plan for Employees

OCMS Portal Training

There are some important things that you need to keep track of when considering your sample training plan template for employees. Tracking these during the deployment of your training plan allows you to more easily report on the program of your training plan for managers, groups, and/or individuals.

Things that you’ll want to track during training deployment include:

  • The status of trainees (Completed training? Failed? Pending?)
  • Trainees that are completely done with all training assigned
  • Where you are in your training schedule

Here is a staff training record example report that could be generated if you’re tracking each trainee’s status while going through the required training programs. This Training Scorecard report comes from the OCMS Portal’s Training Survey Report with examples of training plans.

Training Effectiveness Dashboard

All-in-One Organizational Change Management Tool

Do you have any tips or new employee training plan examples that would be helpful to other professionals? We’d love to hear from you!

Conduct Post-Training Survey & Report Success Metrics

When deploying any type of training plan or using a training plan sample template, you need to ensure that the training is meeting its goals. Are employees feeling they’ve gained the skills needed? Do your trainees say additional training is needed before they feel they’ve fully grasped the material?

You will also most likely need to report on the effectiveness of the training activities to key stakeholders, managers, project leads, and others. This necessitates surveying trainees or managers of trained groups to get their feedback.

In our example of a training plan, we collect several metrics on the training course feedback survey that give you a good idea of the success of your training program:

  • Whether the trainee felt the training was relevant or useful
  • What the trainee thought about the delivery of training (good, poor, etc.)
  • Whether or not the trainee thinks they need more training on the subject matter
  • Preferred training format for additional training, if offered

Employee Training Plan Sample Feedback

Feedback Survey from the OCMS Portal’s built-in Training Surveys

Training Assessment Form

Sample of training program analytics report.

Use the reporting on your success metrics to adjust training materials if needed, add more training sessions if trainees are indicating they haven’t fully grasped the material, or remove pieces of training if it looks like they’re not needed.

When putting together a sample new employee training plan or a training program for any other type of training, make sure to include this important step. It helps ensure that your training succeeds by proactively surveying employees on their experience.

When Do Training Plans Examples Say to Conduct a Post-Training Survey?

It’s helpful if you can survey trainees immediately after the training has been completed (even within minutes as part of the session). This will allow you to capture their initial reactions while the information is fresh in their minds.

If your example of training plan for new employees or other training doesn’t specify when to send post-training surveys, you may wait too long. In this case, employees may forget how they felt about training delivery, or they may not bother responding to the survey at all.

Additionally, if you wait too long to survey trainees on their training experience, then you can’t adjust your training delivery for other trainees in real-time as you get feedback. It may also be too late to schedule additional training if your training plan training design sample is for a project, and you find out too late that trainees believe they need more training.

All-in-One Organizational Change Management Templates Software

OCM Toolkit for Change Managers and Teams. Change Impacts

Are you looking for a training plan example of training program in company leadership? Need a sample training plan for new employees? Need some other specific type of training plan template example? Read on. Next, we provide you with specific topics to use for various sample training plans.

Examples of Training Plans for Employees

If you came to this article looking for specific examples of a training plan, such as a sample training plan for restaurant staff or a customer service training plan sample, then this section will give you some ideas. It includes training programs and topics that you may want to consider for a variety of staff training plan example templates.

First, let’s review the training design sample for employees of all types that we’ve just explained above. This general staff training plan sample template can be used for all types of training in any industry and any type of project.

training plan sample template

General Example Training Plan Template for All Types of Training

  • Assess Overall Training Goals & Needs
  • Identify the Training Audiences
  • Assess/Survey Training Audiences on Needs
  • Create an Example of Training Plan Objectives & Gather Input
  • Develop Full Training Plan & Curriculum
  • Finalize Your Sample Employee Training Plan (add trainers, set timeline, create visuals, etc.)
  • Deploy Training Plan
  • Conduct Post-Training Survey & Report Success Metrics

Next, we’ll look at sample staff training plan programs and topics for certain types of training and industries.

New Employee Onboarding Training Plan Example

  • Company Culture
    • Policies
    • Culture resources
    • Culture basics
  • Attendance & Expectations
    • Work hours
    • Breaks and lunch
    • Paid time off (PTO)
    • Remote/in-office expectations
    • Reporting procedures
  • Employee Benefits
    • Health insurance
    • Other insurance (life, dental, etc.)
    • Vacation benefits
  • Technology Use
    • Social media policies
    • Device responsibilities
    • Use of mobile devices
    • Internet use policy
    • IT support details
    • Email and account logins
  • Job Duties
    • Training on specific job duties

Sample Training Plan Hotel Staff Can Use

  • Guest Relations
    • Expectations as to interactions with guests
    • How to assist guests
    • Where to direct guests for additional assistance
  • Attendance & Expectations
    • Work hours
    • Breaks and lunch
    • Paid time off (PTO)
    • Reporting procedures
  • Social Media & Internet
    • Hotel photo posting rules
    • Personal use of social media on the job
    • Internet use policy
  • Uniform and Appearance
    • Uniform requirements
    • Grooming/hygiene requirements
    • Workspace/room cleaning policies
  • Job Duties
    • Training on specific job duties

Customer Service Training Plan Sample

  • Customer Experience
    • Response timing
    • Where to find a knowledge base for responses
    • How to escalate inquiries
    • Response templates to use
    • Tone/brand voice
  • Technology Tools
    • CRM program basics
    • How to create/edit customer tickets
    • Voice/video/chat tools
    • Searching for customer records
  • Attendance & Expectations
    • Work hours
    • Breaks and lunch
    • Paid time off (PTO)
    • Remote/in-office expectations
    • Reporting procedures
  • Job Duties
    • Training on specific job duties

Sample Training Plan for Restaurant Staff

  • Customer Experience
    • Interacting with customers
    • Brand voice
    • Where to go for customer assistance
    • How to seat customers
    • Expected service timing
  • Kitchen & Cleaning
    • Cleaning procedures for kitchen and restaurant
    • Timing for order turnaround
    • Food preparation & storage
    • Food safety policies and procedures
  • Technology Tools
    • Point of Sale (POS) systems
    • Seating chart software
    • Ordering/stock software
  • Attendance & Expectations
    • Work hours
    • Breaks and lunch
    • Paid time off (PTO)
    • Remote/in-office expectations
    • Reporting procedures
  • Job Duties
    • Training on specific job duties

Sample Training Plan for Managers

  • Softs Skills
    • Communications
    • Active listening
    • Motivation & engagement
  • Productivity
    • Task tracking
    • Reporting tools
    • Ways to measure productivity
  • Employee Wellbeing
    • Inclusivity
    • Workplace sensitivity
    • Collaboration
    • Identifying training needs
    • Nurturing talent
  • Policies & Expectations
    • Industry regulatory requirements
    • Data privacy compliance
    • Workplace employee safety guidelines
    • Department of labor requirements

Sample Staff Training Plan for Cybersecurity Awareness

  • Phishing Detection
    • Hovering over links
    • Typical phishing tactics
    • Reviewing email sender and message text
    • Email attachment protocols
    • Phishing by SMS and social media
  • Password Security
    • Strong passwords
    • Multi-factor authentication
    • Password expectations for use and storage
  • Data Privacy
    • Protection of personally identifiable information
    • Encryption
    • Data security policies
    • Paper data handling expectations
  • Device Security
    • Backups
    • Antivirus/anti-malware
    • DNS filtering
    • Device screen locks
    • Unsecure & public Wi-Fi connection
    • VPN requirements

free change management training templates

Get free training resources to help you develop training plans for your projects. Sign up for a Free Tools account of OCMS Portal to access these now.

OCMS Portal’s Training Management Software with Auto-generated Training Plan Examples for Employees & Groups

Now that you have a sample training plan for employees, what template or software can you use to enter all your training tracking information?

The OCMS Portal, with Training Management Tool, is a powerful, yet simple-to-use software for planning and managing organization change, including all examples of training plans for employees. Keep your training planning and assessment in one place and get insightful analytics reporting.

The OCMS Portal includes comprehensive employee training plan example templates, an autogenerated training plan, and more!

  • Add training courses & trainees easily
  • Two views – Course view and Trainees view
  • Free training templates, including a sample training curriculum template, sample training plan examples, and more.
  • Build-in training needs assessment and training feedback surveys to save you time
  • Auto-generated training plan and overall OCM plan
  • The sample training plans are based on your training needs assessment.

You can also enjoy training reporting on the analytics dashboard that allows you to see reporting at a program and project level, plus drill down into granular training audience details. 

Plus… Need help getting started with your training plan for employees example outline? The OCMS Portal includes an OCM Plan that generates automatically. It includes a checklist of steps to follow for planning, deploying, and tracking training programs. This gives you your initial sample training plan example for employees and groups.

Click below to start a free trial of OCMS Portal to begin enjoying all these benefits. There’s no credit card needed, and you’ll get instant access.

training needs assessment form

Start a Free Trial of OCMS Portal, with Training Planning & Tracking Tools

Conclusion – Sample of Training Plan Management with Training Plans Examples

Taking the time to properly plan your training delivery is vital if you want it to meet the project’s training goals. Using an employee training plan sample template can help you avoid missteps and save you time.

While there are many examples of a training plan for different needs and industries, the basic steps for assessing training needs, creating your training plan, deploying training, and tracking training KPIs will be similar.

All-in-One OCM Apps for Organizational Change Management

Making a Case for Change Management

We hope that our main outline of sample training plans has been helpful to you, no matter what type of training you need to conduct. Please feel free to reach out if you have any other training plans examples that you would like us to include in the future.

FAQ | Sample of Training Plan for Employees

How do you write a training plan?

When you are writing a training outline, it helps to have some sample training plans to guide you. You write a training plan by first assessing the reason for the training and what goals need to be accomplished.

Here is an example of training plan details to include when you write a training plan:
• Training program names
• Training topics for each training program
• Training goals
• Audiences being trained
• Skills/knowledge that each trainee or group needs to learn
• Level of training needed for each trainee or group
• Curriculum for each training topic
• Trainers
• How training will be delivered (classroom, virtual, videos, etc.)
• Training timeline

What is a training plan template?

A training plan sample template provides an example of a real training plan to follow. These sample training plans can differ in that some may be more detailed than others.

What is a training checklist?

A training checklist is a list of tasks that you should follow to plan, deploy, and assess the success of a training program. The training checklist provides a sample of training plan activities that can guide you in training management.

Why is an employee training plan important?

Here are some of the benefits of leveraging training plans examples when designing your training programs:
• Saves you a lot of time when you develop training plan activities
• Training plan examples for employees can provide you with best practices
• Gives you ideas for making your training better
• Examples of a training plan with KPIs help you know what metrics you need to capture to assess your training delivery
• Helps you picture the layout and reporting of training management before you begin
• Examples of a training plan for new hires can help you improve your onboarding process

Note: Content on OCM Solution's website is protected by copyright. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this OCM Solutions page, please reach out to Ogbe Airiodion (Change Management Lead) or the OCM Solutions Team today. OCM Solution was previously known as Airiodion Global Services (AGS).

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